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Cape Verde-São Vicente: EIB - Procurement of battery energy storage system, including installation, commissioning and operational support

Cape Verde-São Vicente: EIB - Procurement of battery energy storage system, including installation, commissioning and operational support has been closed on 25 Mar 2019. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the Electra SA

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General information
Electra SA
Construction & Engineering
Machinery & Equipment
Not available
02 Nov 2019
25 Mar 2019
Not available
Not available
Not available

Electra, SA, the Republic of Cabo Verde

Reference number: Component 3 — BESS

International Invitation for Tenders

1) The Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde (hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower”) has received a grant from the Investment Facility – IF, that is administered by the European Investment Bank – EIB (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) – towards the cost of the project energy loss reduction and power quality improvement program. This international invitation for tenders relates to the contracts for bidding document for procurement of battery energy storage system, including Installation, commissioning and operational support in one lot.

2) General scope of the project: the aim of the present tender is to select a supplier for one lot as follows:

Lot 1: Procurement of battery energy storage system, including installation, commissioning and operational support.

3) This contract is expected to be implemented in 2019;

4) The criteria to be used in the tender evaluation is most economically advantageous tender taking into account the battery lifetime guarantee;

5) All qualified firms/consortia (all countries except sanctions regimes as per UN Security Council and EU) are invited to participate in the tender. Detail qualification criteria (based on financial capacity, technical capacity and specific experience) are specified in tender documents;

6) A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased on the submission of an application to the address below. And upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 100,00 EUR (Euro One Hundred) to the account mentioned hereunder bearing the name of the project. On request, against a copy of the evidence of the remittance the bidding documents may be sent by courier service if the transport is previously ordered by the bidder in his country. The Borrower bears no responsibility for the delivery in such a case. The bidding document may be sent electronically in advance to an email address indicated by the bidder.

Account name: Electra Norte

Bank: Banco Comercial do Atlântico


Account number: 83440371

NIB: 000300008344037110176

IBAN: CV64000300008344037110176

7) Bidders may obtain further information from the following address:

Mr João Fonseca

Electra SA

Rua Dr. Baltazar Lopes da Silva no. 10, PO Box 137

Mindelo, São Vicente, Cabo Verde

Tel: +238 2303030

Fax: +238 2324446


8) A Bid Security fulfilling the conditions indicated in the bidding documents must accompany all bids:

Lot 1: 31 000,00 EUR.

9) A pre-bid meeting will not be organized.

10) Any clarifications to the bid may be sent to above given mail addresses on or before 4.3.2019.

11) Bids shall be valid for a period of 91 days from the date of bid opening and shall be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Bidding Document for Procurement of Meter Laboratory Set-up, Meters and Electrical Equipment” to the Electra SA at the address specified below, on or before 10:00 a.m. Cabo Verde time on 25.3.2019 at which time they will be opened in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend the bid opening.

Electra SA, Rua Dr. Baltazar Lopes da Silva no. 10, PO Box 137, Mindelo, São Vicente, CAPO VERDE
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