Request for Proposal (RFP)
Reference No. UNDP/LAO/RFP001/2017
Dear Sir/Madam,
UNDP Lao PDR is inviting all eligible companies/firms to submit proposal of Consultancy firm to conduct the assessment of the biodiversity, wildlife habitat and Ecosystem Health of SAFE Ecosystems Project. When preparing your proposals, please be guided by the instructions and requirements provided in the full version of RFP including all Annexes which are available on UNDP Lao PDR web-site at the following link:
Sealed or electronic bids/proposals with all required attachments and supporting documents as stipulated in the full version of the RFP must be delivered on or before 10:00 AM Local time, Monday, October 9, 2017 to the following address:
United Nations Development Programme
Lane Xang Avenue
Ban Hatsady-Tai, P.O. Box 345
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Attention to: UNDP Procurement/Logistics Unit
For electronic submission please use the following secured email account:
Bids submitted to other email accounts or address shall not be considered or reviewed.
In case of any inquiries please send us your questions in writing to the following email accounts: cc
Late bids will be rejected