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Consultancy for PBF Awareness

Consultancy for PBF Awareness has been closed on 30 Aug 2019. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

General information
United Nations Development Programme
Not available
13 Aug 2019
30 Aug 2019
Not available
Not available
Not available
Overview :

Sustaining Peace in Bougainville is a project implemented jointly by UNDP, UN Women and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Building upon the implementation of the first phase of Peacebuilding Fund support towards an enabling environment for the referendum, the project covers three outcomes:

(1) Continue to provide support towards inter-governmental dialogue between the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government;

(2) Use a participatory process to raising awareness of the Bougainville Peace Agreement through storytelling and traditional means of communication, and:

(3) Assist both governments in establishing a joint process for the disposal of weapons and reunification of factional groups.

Increasing knowledge and understanding of the Bougainville Peace Agreement, its three pillars and the peace process can be done through supporting awareness of the BPA and through the joint key messages of the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government that were approved by the two governments in 2019. This project will focus on developing communications products and support their dissemination throughout Bougainville and Papua New Guinea.



The Consultant, with overall guidance from the UNDP Project Manager and the UNDP PNG Deputy Resident Representative, will endeavor to meet the following Awareness Objectives:

  • Promote unity among Bougainvilleans and Bougainvilleans and the rest of Papua New Guinea
  • Raise awareness on the history of the BPA and its pillars
  • Raise awareness about the importance of a peaceful referendum and the post referendum process
  • Delivery of joint key messages from two governments
  • Promote and expose key results of the UN’s work in Bougainville

By undertake the following:

  1. Using the PBF’s M&E Results Framework, develop a plan to create and disseminate communication products to promote the work conducted by the UN in Bougainville
  2. Organize and facilitate interventions that increase dialogue and awareness on the BPA, referendum and post-referendum issues ensuring that both the population in and outside of Bougainville is informed and feels included in the process.
  3. Assist and partner with the ABG’s Bureau of Public Affairs, Media and Communication, and the National Coordination Office for Bougainville Affairs’ Communication Division to produce and disseminate objective, accurate and user-friendly content and messaging on the BPA and referendum
  4. Provide support for the implementation of joint weapons disposal communication strategy
  5. Act as the focal point on all Awareness interventions implemented or supported by UNDP in Bougainville


Submission Instructions

Incomplete proposals and failure to comply with proposal submission instruction will not be considered or will result in disqualification of proposal.

Completed proposals should be submitted via email , no later than 30th August 2019.


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