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Côte d’Ivoire-Abidjan: 'Improving and extending the HV/LV/street lighting networks in the city of San Pedro'

L'ordonnateur national du FED, représenté par l'ordonnateur national suppléant du FED, cellule de coordination de la coopération Côte d'Ivoire/Union européenne has announced a winner on 01 Jan 1970 for the following project: Côte d’Ivoire-Abidjan: 'Improving and extending the HV/LV/street lighting networks in the city of San Pedro'.

The amount allocated for this project has not been disclosed. During this time, the company will be responsible to fulfill its obligations, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Anyone who wish to appeal this decision can contact L'ordonnateur national du FED, représenté par l'ordonnateur national suppléant du FED, cellule de coordination de la coopération Côte d'Ivoire/Union européenne

Bellow, you can find more information about the project:

General information
L'ordonnateur national du FED, représenté par l'ordonnateur national suppléant du FED, cellule de coordination de la coopération Côte d'Ivoire/Union européenne
Electronics & Electrical
Contract award
Not available
08 May 2017
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Works contract award notice

ACP countries — Côte d'Ivoire

 1.Publication reference:

 2.Date of publication of the contract notice:

 3.Number and title of the lot:

Lot 1: improving and extending the HV/LV/street lighting networks in the city of San Pedro — source substation and telecontrol.
Lot 2: improving and extending the HV/LV/street lighting networks in the city of San Pedro — source substation and telecontrol — HV/LV/street lighting network extensions.
Lot 3: improving and extending the HV/LV/street lighting networks in the city of San Pedro — source substation and telecontrol — HV network.
 4.Contract number and value:

Lot 1: FED/2017/387-006: 3 245 829 EUR.
Lot 2: FED/2017/386-979: 3 728 115,50 EUR.
Lot 3: FED/2017/387-003: 2 999 618,97 EUR.
 5.Date of contract award:

 6.Number of tenders received:

 7.Name, address and nationality of the selected tenderer:

Lot 1:
Bouygues E&S Côte d'Ivoire SAS, Zone 3, 22 rue des Foreurs, 01 BP 843, Abidjan 01, CÔTE D'IVOIRE. Tel. +225 21 75 50 00. Fax +225 21 35 71 26. E-mail:
Nationality: Ivorian.
Lot 2:
EKDS Nouvelle EURL, 05 BP 3259 Abidjan 05/BP 193 Korhogo, CÔTE D'IVOIRE. Tel. +225 20 22 33 04. Fax +225 20 21 96 86. E-mail:
Nationality: Ivorian.
Lot 3:
Établissement Multi Services Soro Zie (Ets MSSZ) SARL, 05 BP 1120, Abidjan 05, CÔTE D'IVOIRE. Tel. +225 22 42 73 50. Fax +225 22 42 73 43. E-mail:
Nationality: Ivorian.
 8.Contract duration:

Lot 1: 24 months.
Lot 2: 18 months.
Lot 3: 18 months.
 9.Contracting authority:

L'ordonnateur national du FED, représenté par l'ordonnateur national suppléant du FED, cellule de coordination de la coopération Côte d'Ivoire/Union européenne, immeuble Azur, 18 rue du Dr Crozet, Commune du Plateau, 01 BP V 306, Abidjan 01, REPUBLIC OF CÔTE D'IVOIRE.
 10.Legal basis:

Annex IV to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States and the European Community and its Member States, signed in Cotonou on 23.6.2000, as amended in Luxembourg on 25.6.2005 and in Ouagadougou on 22.6.2010. Reference is made to Annex IV as revised by Decision No 1/2014 of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers of 20.6.2014.
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