The contracting entity would prefer that questions regarding prequali-fication are submitted within February 4th.
The candidate must as its application submit an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), paras (1)-(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf. s.11 of Ministerial Order on pro-curement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors. It is not necessary for the candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating economic operator. Where the candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD doc-ument of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate/ relies on the capacity of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which the candidate relies.
The candidate must also submit a letter of commitment in which the entity/entities on which the candidate relies has/have undertaken joint and several liability with the candidate if the candidate is awarded the contract. The form is enclosed as an attachment to the tender specifications.
Before the decision to award the contract is made, the tenderer to whom the contracting entity intends to award the contract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 151 and 152(3), cf. section 11 of the Danish Order on Implementation (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen).
In the event of change of the tenderer, the provisions of s.147 of the Danish Public Procurement Act will apply in their entirety.
As regards sections II.1.5): The framework agreement’s estimated value of the deliverables under the framework agreement is depending on how many cosmetic upgrades DSB decides to carry out in the Term. It is expected that the value will be in the range between 30- 100 million DKK. The estimates are based on previous uphol-stery projects.
The total maximum value of the deliverables to be delivered under the framework agreement is DKK 150 million DKK.
The difference between the estimated value and the maximum value is due to the uncertainty of the final value of the framework agreement. The estimated value thus reflects the contracting entity’s estimate of the expected purchase under the framework agreement, whereas the maximum value reflects the highest value of all contracts to be performed within the term of the framework agreement. This takes into account, partly, the con-tracting entity’s expectations based on the most likely purchase under the framework agreement, partly, the expected uncertainty of such estimate. In relation to the estimated value, particular attention is drawn to the fact that the tenderers are not guaranteed any minimum purchase under the framework agreement, and the estimate is therefore no undertaking on the part of the contracting entity to make a minimum purchase under the framework agreement.
It is specifically pointed out to the tenderer that the tenderer is bound by the prices offered, irrespective of the turnover specifically achieved under the framework agreement. This means that the tenderer is also bound by the prices offered if the specific turnover deviates from the estimated value, both upwards and downwards.