Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility Regional Technical Assistance to Build Civil Society Capacities
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility Regional Technical Assistance to Build Civil Society Capacities has been closed on 24 Nov 2020.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
This Regional Technical Assistance project will contribute to strengthening and promoting the role of civil society in reforms and democratic changes in the Eastern Partnership countries, creating synergies between various EU-funded bilateral and regional initiatives for civil society organisations. It will implement and support the following type of activities:• regional civil society capacity building activities, including Civil Society Fellowships, e-Learning and training activities, etc.;• civic tech activities across the region including hackathons, e-Participation initiatives, etc.;• communication activities in order to increase the public awareness of CSOs, improve their public image and promote EU support to civil society in a more consistent and coherent manner;• conduct studies, mappings and research on civil society issues across the region.