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eConsult: IFC Pharmaceuticals Education and Skills Development in Ethiopia

eConsult: IFC Pharmaceuticals Education and Skills Development in Ethiopia has been closed on 22 Jun 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the World Bank

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World Bank
Education & Training
Not available
18 Jun 2021
22 Jun 2021
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IFC seeks to engage a Consultant to map the skills gaps, and availability, quality and type of training and skills development solutions in Ethiopia's pharmaceutical sector value chain focused on relevant roles in sourcing, production, and sales and distribution processes. This includes an analysis of key regulatory and operational constraints and relevant operating model for skills development for the pharmaceuticals sector. Key objectives of the diagnosis and assessment are: 1. Identifying technical skills gaps 2. Mapping existing private and public tertiary education institutions and training providers. 3. Assessment of existing levels of collaboration between academic institutions and industry-level training providers. 4. Identifying potential models for skills development The Consultant should have a network of training providers, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical companies to explore interest in pursuing skills development Ethiopia QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: 1.  The Consultant should have experience in skills gap analysis and exposure to relevant operating models in skills development for pharmaceutical sector, preferably with export-oriented units. * 2.  The Consultant should have experience in integrating regulatory, operational, financial, legal and organizational aspects with a focus on skills development to recommend relevant operating models, preferably in Sub-Saharan Africa. * 3.  The Consultants team should include a key expert with experience with value chain analysis in the pharmaceutical sector, preferably in Sub-Saharan Africa. * 4.  The Consultant should have more than five years' experience in market research and analysis with local knowledge, preferably in East Africa and pharmaceutical sector. * 5.  The Consultant should have a network of training providers, educational institutions, and pharmaceutical companies to explore interest in pursuing skills development Ethiopia or building collaborations with existing tertiary education institutions in Ethiopia. * *- Mandatory   Electronic Submissions through World Bank Group eConsultant2   This is an announcement from the World Bank’s e-Consultant 2 system. Please refer to for the official announcement as well as for any updates.   E-Consult selection no. 1275466- IFC Pharmaceuticals Education and Skills Development in Ethiopia eConsult notice Rwanda Not cancelled Request for Expression of Interest Consulting Services- Firm Tuesday, June 22, 2021- 17:00 WB-P759658-06/21 General- Education and Training General- Medical, Health and Nutrition Friday, June 18, 2021 English Friday, June 18, 2021- 08:48 World Bank
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