Notice for changes or additional information
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2022/S 065-167485)
Legal Basis:
This contract will be co-financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and subject to EIB's Guide to Procurement
Section I: Contracting authority/entity
I.1)Name and addressesOfficial name: Holding Company For Water And Wastewater (HCWW)
Postal address: Kornish El Nil - Rod El Farag, Rod El Farag Water Treatment Plant - El Sahel
Town: Cairo
NUTS code: EG Egypt
Postal code: 11631
Country: Egypt
Contact person: Eng. Tarek Bekhit
Telephone: +20 01222481908
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
Demolition & In-situ Replacement of Kafr Mahfouz WWTP (Capacity of 3,000 m3/d)
Reference number: T05
II.1.2)Main CPV code45252127 Wastewater treatment plant construction work
II.1.3)Type of contractWorks
II.1.4)Short description:
The Scope of Works for this Contract is to (i) decommission the existing plant and demolish all existing structures of existing WWTP, except the existing headworks, dismantle all existing electromechanical equipment and instruments (if any) and hand over to the Employer to be stored in the place within the border of allocated WWTP area, (ii) design a new wastewater treatment plant with the secondary treatment of an ultimate capacity of 4,500 m3/d, (iii) in this Contract (Stage 1) to design and build a new wastewater plant of capacity 3,000 m3/d. A number of elements of Stage 1 will be sized to facilitate the expansion of the WWTP to treat the Stage 2 design capacity of 4,500 m3/d, and (iv) to provide O&M Training for the Employer’s Staff and supervise the O&M of the WWTP during the Defects Notification Period.
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:06/05/2022
VI.6)Original notice referenceNotice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 065-167485
Section VII: Changes
VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original noticeSection number: IV.2.2
Instead of:
Date: 30/04/2022
Local time: 10:00
Date: 30/05/2022
Local time: 10:00
VII.2)Other additional information: