Notice for changes or additional information
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2022/S 015-033945)
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority/entity
I.1)Name and addressesOfficial name: Eesti Keele Instituut
National registration number: 70004011
Postal address: Roosikrantsi tn 6
Town: Tallinn
NUTS code: EE Eesti
Postal code: 10119
Country: Estonia
Contact person: SUSANNA OJA
Telephone: +372 56789008
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
II.1.1)Title:Reference number: 245234
II.1.2)Main CPV code72210000 Programming services of packaged software products
II.1.3)Type of contractServices
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.6)Original notice referenceNotice number in the OJ S: 2022/S 015-033945
Section VII: Changes
VII.1)Information to be changed or added
VII.1.2)Text to be corrected in the original noticeSection number: IV.2.2
Place of text to be modified: Pakkumuste või osalemistaotluste laekumise tähtaeg
Instead of:
Section number: IV.2.7
Place of text to be modified: Pakkumuste avamise tingimused
Instead of:
VII.2)Other additional information: