IC 137796 UNDSS Stress Counselor has been closed on 13 Apr 2021.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the United Nations Development Programme
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
Under the supervision of the UNDSS Regional Security Advisor based in Panama, and the technical supervision of UNDSS/CISMU Regional Stress Counsellor, the incumbent is responsible for designing a sustainable stress management system in the UN Offices operating in Jamaica.
For the detailed terms of reference (TOR) please visit our website at https://www.jm.undp.org/content/jamaica/en/home/procurement.html
for the TOR and follow the instructions for submission.
Please e-mail your submission using the following:
procurement.jamaica@undp.org, with subject line “IC 137796 UNDSS Stress Counselor”
Failure to submit all documents as instructed may result in your submission being disqualified. Please send requests for clarification to procurement.jamaica@undp.org