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Institutional Consultancy for the development of blended learning courses for strengthening school- and district level planning and teaching and learning in schools in Lao PDR

Institutional Consultancy for the development of blended learning courses for strengthening school- and district level planning and teaching and learning in schools in Lao PDR has been closed on 04 Feb 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

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Education & Training
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15 Jan 2021
04 Feb 2021
Siphachanh Chounlamany
+856 021487500
Not available

The overall aim of this consultancy is to support UNICEF and MoES with the development of blended learning courses aimed at different target groups and on specific topics (Component 1), with the topics of a further 7 online courses still to be defined in consultation with concerned MoES departments (Component 2):

Component 1:

  1. The development of course content and training manual on school self-evaluation and development planning aimed at school principals.
  2. The development of course content and training manual on school self-evaluation and development planning aimed at District Education and Bureau staff, including a short module for district pedagogical advisors.
  3. The development of course content and training manual aimed specifically at district pedagogical advisors on the provision of demand-driven professional support to schools.
  4. The development of course content and training manual on continuous/formative assessment aimed at district level pedagogical advisors, school principals and teachers.

Component 2:

  1. The development of three short online courses for primary students on to be defined topics.
  2. The development of two blended learning courses for primary teachers on to be defined topics (e.g. multi-grade teaching or key principles for teaching reading).
  3. The development of two blended learning courses for education administrators on to be defined topics (e.g. effective use of school block grants).

UNICEF and MoES will complement the development of these blended learning courses (i.e. training/learning packages) with additional video tutorials and “examples of good practice” in Lao language, translate the course content from English language into Lao language and will take the lead in uploading/integrating the courses on the MoES Teaching and Learning Platform.

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