Project name: Kyzylorda Electricity Distribution Project
Country: Kazakhstan
Business sector: Power and Energy
Project ID: 8815-GPN-46770
Funding source: EBRD loan proceeds
Type of contract: Project goods, works and services
Type of notice: General Procurement Notice
Issue date: 5 Sep 2017
Closing date: 5 Sep 2018
The Joint Stock Company Kyzylorda Regional Electricity Company (KREC) is using the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) for the financing of the rehabilitation and modernisation of low and medium voltage distribution networks in Kyzylorda Oblast, including the installation of modern electricity meters and automatic control systems, strengthening the capacity and efficiency of transformers and distribution lines aimed at reducing distribution network losses and increase in energy efficiency. The expected technical and commercial losses reduction will have significant reduction of related carbon emissions as the power generation sector of Kazakhstan is of high carbon intensity.
The proposed project has a total estimated cost of about USD16.5million (~5.5 Billion KZT) and will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services for:
1. Rehabilitation of low and medium voltage distribution networks
2. Supply and installation of modern electricity meters in substations and connection to RMR System (ASKUE)
3. Consulting services to support the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) (selection process completed)
4. Consulting services to support the Corporate Development Programme for KREC (selection process completed)
5. Lenders monitoring Consultant
Contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules and will be open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law or official regulation of the Purchaser's country.
Interested suppliers, contractors and consultants should contact:
KREC, Ayteke bi Street 25, Kyzylorda city 120014, Republic of Kazakhstan, tel: +7 (7242) 902208, fax: +7 (7242) 902269, e-mail:
Mrs. Yun Diana, Head of State Procurement Department.
tel: +7 (7242) 902244 e-mail: