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LBN-CO-ITP-130-22- Zahle WWTP

LBN-CO-ITP-130-22- Zahle WWTP has been closed on 26 May 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

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LBN-CO-ITP-130-22- Zahle WWTP
Procurement Process :ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify LBN10 - 0000012447   Click here to participate
Office :Country Office - LEBANON
Deadline :26-May-22 @ 08:00 AM (New York time)
Posted on :11-May-22 @ 07:40 AM (New York time)
Development Area :SERVICES  SERVICES
Reference Number :91052
Link to Atlas Project :
Non-UNDP Project
Documents :
E-Tender User Guide
Overview :

ITP Ref. LBN-CO-ITP-130-22 Operation and Maintenance of Zahle Wastewater Treatment Plant

UNDP Office in Lebanon invites potential and experienced firms/companies in Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Plants to submit prequalification applications for providing Operation and Maintenance services for a period of next two years (with potential extension). Upon completion of the evaluation of the prequalification, UNDP will include the selected firms/companies in the list of prequalified vendors and will proceed with a selection process through Request for Proposal (RFP). Below list provides the details about the nature and types of Operation and Maintenance activities that UNDP undertakes while implementing its projects, these are indicative activities and UNDP may include additional activities as it may require:

  1. Operate and Maintain the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of Zahle located in the Bekaa region in Lebanon and its lift station.  Theaverage treated wastewater in 2021 was approximately 20,000m3/day. The WWTP is a tertiary treatment facility that was put into operation in October 2017 and has been continuously operating since that date. As for the lift station, 1 lift station conveying Zahle’s wastewater to the treatment plant and comprises of 2 pumps, its power consumption is 15 KW, daily flow is 17,000m3/d, and has a head of 10m;
  2. Operation and Maintenance should be conducted 24hrs per day, 7 days a week;
  3. Maintenance includes conducting both preemptive and corrective maintenance;
  4. Provide the required staff to conduct the required Operation and Maintenance services;
  5. The Facility is equipped with 2 site generators to provide electricity to the facility in case of public power black-outs (operators will be paid for the Operation and maintenance of the generators separately, based on usage);
  6. Control access to the site, ensure site security, have insurance against incidents, injuries and accidents;
  7. Prepare an Asset Management Plan at initiation stage;
  8. Prepare monthly, quarterly, and annual reports;
  9. Manage and operate the site laboratory and conduct the following in-house tests (Temperature, pH, Turbidity, COD, BOD, TSS, VSS, TN, SVI, Ammonium, N-NO3, N-NO2, P total, Aluminum, Cadmium, Copper, Chromium, Lead, Nickel, Zinc, and Sulphide);
  10. Collecting samples and sending them 3rd party laboratories for testing and analysis on a monthly basis to confirm conformity with local standards of the effluent, and of the in-house lab tests). Sludge samples also shall be collected and sent to laboratories for third party testing as well;
  11. Manage the generated sludge and transport them to the neighboring Landfill site;
  12. Conduct training and capacity building to Beqaa Water Establishment staff for the operation and maintenance of the facility;
  13. Provide supporting documents to UNDP team to conduct awareness campaigns;
  14. Prepare list of inventories during handing over at the commencement of the contract and at end of contract;
  15. The Operation and Maintenance works should be conducted under a performance based contract, where 10-15% of the monthly payments will be withheld and paid at the end of each contract year based on the performance of that year. The performance KPI will be a function for the following parameters (BOD5 removal efficiency, TSS removal efficiency, and Average KW used to remove to treat 1 Kg of BOD5).
  16. Abide by the following standards (ISO 9000:2000, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9004:2000, ISO 24500:2007, Lebanese standards decision 8/1 (2001) or equivalent,

UNDP requests all interested firms/companies in this activity/project to submit the Application for Prequalification (PreQ).  


Prequalification Application Process

  1. Interested companies and/or associations/joint ventures must fill in the UNDP Prequalification Application and submit relevant documentation/information as to demonstrate that they are eligible and qualified to perform Operation and Maintenance services/works for Tertiary wastewater treatment plants. In principle, UNDP intends to use the outcome of this exercise for prequalification purposes.


  1.  If you are interested in submitting an application in response to this ITP, please prepare your application in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this ITP and submit it by the Deadline for Submission of PREQ set out in the eTendering system. If any doubt exists as to the time zone in which the quotation should be submitted, refer to For eTendering submission - as indicated in eTendering system. Note that system time zone is in EST/EDT (New York) time zone.


  1. In case your company is not registered in the e-Tendering Module, please use the following temporary username and password to register your company/firm:

Username: event.guest

Password: why2change

  1. Applicants who will be registered on the e-Tendering will be able to download the complete documents from the e-Tendering website at: Applicants can download the complete documentation from the e-Tendering upon registration.


  1. Please acknowledge receipt of this ITP by utilizing the “Accept Invitation” function in eTendering system, where applicable. This will enable you to receive amendments or updates to the ITP. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact details identified below: Focal Person in UNDP:


Procurement Unit          

E-mail address:



  1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Prequalification   Document, UNDP may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by Applicants, modify the Prequalification   Application and its attachments by amendment, including through provision of supplementary information.  The amendment will be posted on the UNDP website.
  2. If you need to request additional information, please write to. The team will provide necessary information within due date. However, any delay in providing such information will not be considered a reason for extending the submission date of ITP. All/any query regarding the submission of ITP may be sent prior to the deadline at the e-mail mentioned above. The responses will be posted on eTendering directly.
  3. Any requests for clarification about the contents of the Prequalification Application   shall be sent no later than 5 days before the deadline.  No phone calls will be accepted. Answers to questions/inquiries will be posted on UNDP web pages, and other web pages, on which this ITP is posted.
  4. Completion of the Prequalification Application and submission of relevant documentation is compulsory as indicated in the Annexes.  Applications with incomplete submissions shall be disregarded.
  5. All applicants are required to Legally registered to conduct relevant works for the scope of works.


  1. Applicants must meet all pass/fail based qualifying criteria in order to be qualified for proceeding with completing Pre-Qualification Application Forms. The applicants that meet all pass/fail based qualifying criteria shall be identified as “pre-qualified” and requested to submit a proposal for the next step of procurement process, which is Request for Proposal (RFP). UNDP will apply UNDP General Terms and Conditions for Contracts as per the following link: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/  


  1. In case of a Joint Venture, Lead partner’s share cannot be less than 50% and share of the remaining partner(s) shall not be less than 20%.


  1. The submission for this Invitation to Prequalification (ITP) does not entail any commitment on the part of UNDP, either financial or otherwise.  UNDP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Invitation to Prequalification (ITP).  Applications without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant/s of the grounds.


  1. UNDP is not obliged to invite to participate in the subsequent Request for Proposal process any prospective Applicant which had submitted the Invitation to Prequalification (ITP) for Prequalification application.


  1. The language of the applications is English




Procurement Unit

May 11, 2022


Please note that this procurement process is being conducted through the online tendering system of UNDP. Bidders who wish to submit an offer must be registered in the system. Visit this page for system user guides and videos in different languages:

If already registered, go to and sign in using your username and password. Use "Forgotten password" link if you do not remember your password. Do not create a new profile.

If you have never registered in the system before, you can register by visiting the above link, sign in with username below, and follow the instructions in the user guide:
  • Username: event.guest
  • Password: why2change

If you are interested to participate in this Tender, it is strongly recommended that you log in and subscribe to the Tender using "Accept Invitation" feature so you can keep updated with Tender amendments including deadline. Note that in case of inconsistencies between information in eTendering system and other premises, information in eTendering system prevails.
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