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Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project

Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project has been closed on 15 Apr 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development

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General information
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Paper, Wood & Furniture
08 Apr 2022
15 Apr 2022
Peter Kadewere
Not available

















COUNTRY                            :           MALAWI






PROJECT ID #                       :         P167860







REFERENCE NO.               :           MW-MOAIWD-279006-CS-INDV




DATE OF ISSUE                  :           2ND APRIL, 2022







The Government of Malawi (GoM) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project (MWASIP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The Ministry of Water and Sanitation therefore intends to apply part of these proceeds from the Credit and Grant to recruit an Individual Consultant to take up the assignment of Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Specialist to be positioned in the Program Management Unit (PMU) for the MWASIP.



2. Objective of the Assignment


The overall objective of the assignment is to serve as the main focal person for all planning monitoring and evaluation related activities for the MWASIP.


3. Scope of Services


The M&E Specialist will be part of the Program Management Unit (PMU) and work closely with internal and external stakeholders. The Specialist will lead the process of setting up an M&E system and will support preparation of Project’s annual budgets and work-plans in coordination with the Project Management Specialist and will setup all required processes for project data collection and reporting arrangements on progress of implementation in accordance with the Logical Framework.


Specifically, the M&E specialist will perform the following duties:


  1. Support the development, revision and/or finalization of the project annual Work Plans and budgets in conjunction with the relevant specialists and support oversight of the implementation plans;


  1. Work with the Program Coordinator and TT in updating the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) and ensuring alignment with strategic context of the program, agreement on annual targets and inclusion of M&E activities in the work plan and PIM;


  1. Support the development and management of Projects’ Management Information System including a results-based Monitoring and Evaluation System, and other project monitoring systems, populating the systems with data and information and providing regular updates, through a process of participatory monitoring and reporting. This should include revising the consistency of project:
    1. Performance indicators and outcomes,
    2. Outputs and intermediary outcomes, and
    3. Baseline and targets for all indicators;


  1. Lead the development of and oversee the review of project level Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan and associated work plans for each component/activity as reflected in the Logical framework;


  1. Take a leading role in implementing impact assessment surveys at the start, mid-term and completion, including supporting the timely review independent verification assessment reports for various grants under the project;


  1. Support the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of biophysical and ecological monitoring exercises, and maintenance of the system;


  1. Be responsible for sourcing data and information for specific M&E needs directly from other implementing agencies and stakeholders particularly for indicators not requiring a survey;


  1. Support technical work such as reviewing M&E methods, carrying out training needs, designing M&E tools and providing M&E technical assistance;


  1. Ensure quality control of M&E outputs (e.g. surveys etc.), by contributing substantively to the design and field testing of the monitoring methodology, review, supervise design and implementation of the survey, participatory data collection methods and protocols, data verification techniques, and other technical evaluation and analytical tasks conducted;


  1. Develop ToRs for M&E tasks to be carried out for consulting firms (e.g. the design of surveys and evaluations (mid-term and final evaluation);


  1. Support monitoring and evaluation missions commissioned by the donors on the project;


  1. Preparation of the monthly, quarterly and annual implementation progress reports as per the Bank and Government requirements;


  1. Monitor project progress through field visit as may be required, offer feedback and keep regular communication with related field and centre level staff;


  1. Provide quality assurance to the project monitoring reports and correspondence with the TT and World Bank;


  • Conduct quality assurance on tracking and reporting development results;


  1. Work closely with the communication specialist to facilitate and support systematic exchange of information between District Councils and all other Project stakeholders;


  1. Participate in building capacity of project district staff and communities in collection of data and use of M&E reports;


  1. Participate in the external (the World Bank) supervision missions;


  1. Support TT members and other Specialists in Contract Management of all consultants and Contractors procured under the Project;


  1. Work closely with the communication specialist to manage any online information sharing in a sustainable and accessible manner, working closely with the other TT members, DCs and Community management structures where necessary;


  1. Establishing the organizational structures and supporting the maintenance of regular routines for engaging and working with the communities affected by the program;


  1. Prepare draft TORs for mid-term and final evaluation in accordance with the procedures and timetables agreed with the World Bank and compliance with the World Bank’s policies and rules;


  1. Performing any other duty as may be necessary for the effective implementation of the project and program as assigned by Program Coordinator;
  1. Provide any necessary project management support to the MRDRM project as may be assigned by the Program Coordinator to further joint Program objectives; and
  1. Any other duties as may be required and assigned by management.


4. Reporting Requirements


The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will report to the Program Coordinator for all his/her technical and implementation support operations.


5. Qualifications


  1. Minimum of a Master’s Degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics or Social Sciences with a bias in Statistics, Qualitative Surveying and Research Methods;


  1. At-least 10 years’ general experience with not less than 5 years demonstrated experience in monitoring and evaluation of multi sector development projects;


  1. Experience in the design and/or implementation of an M&E system;


  1. Good working knowledge in of MS Office especially in Microsoft Access, Web based data management, Access, Word and Excel as well as in Microsoft Project, Computerised Assisted Personal Interviews platforms (namely, Survey Solutions, Open Data Kit and CSpro);


  1. Should have experience in formulation of work-plans and budgets;


  1. Practical exposure to learning and knowledge management approaches and methodologies; and


  1. Experience and skills in data management (including a large dataset), data visualization, data analysis, and utilization of commonly available data and/or statistical programs, advanced skills in Excel, Stata and SPSS would be considered an asset.


6. Duration of Assignment


The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist shall be recruited for a period of 4.5 years, but renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance, need and availability of funding.


7.  Facilities to be provided by the Client


The following shall be provided by the client: office space, furniture, and office equipment, communication, and internet facilities. For all field related assignments, the Project shall provide transport and costs and other expenses (per Diems etc.) related to the field work. 


8. Location of Employment


The M & E Specialist will be based at the PMU Office in Lilongwe but would be required to travel regularly to field where the MWASIP is implementing its activities.


9. Mode of Application


The Ministry of Water and Sanitation now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.


The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 Revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.


A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant (INDV) selection method set out in the Procurement Regulations.


Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 7:30 hours to 12:00 hours and from 13:00 hours to 16:30 hours except on Weekends and Public Holidays.



Interested individuals meeting the stated requirements should submit their Expressions of Interest including updated detailed Curriculum Vitae (CVs) and copies of professional certificates in written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by Friday, 15th April, 2022 on or before 16:30 hours, local time.


The Program Coordinator

Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project

Ministry of Water and Sanitation

Opposite Lilongwe Town Hall, at the Roundabout

Floor/ Room number: Room 4

Private Bag A192




(Attention: Procurement Officer)


Applications may be e-mailed as one document in PDF format Copy: and

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