Award of a contract without prior publication of a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union in the cases listed below
Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council Article 32 Clause 2 (b) (ii)
Given the technological nature in which the MDIA operates, it requires a technical consultant with experience in Tech academia and Tech
Architecture specifically on Innovative Technologies which interalia include Artificial Intelligence (Al), Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT),
Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Information Security.
The only known person available to possess the above knowledge and expertise is the economic operator (EO) invited to the negotiated
procedure who possess hands-on experience working within the industry on innovative technology. Thus, the experience and expertise
and knowledge which the EO possesses are unique. The EO has been critical to MDIA since he was involved with the Authority from the
very beginning, helping to shape and develop the laws and regulations that MDIA currently enjoys.
As an Authority, we cannot resort to a Call for Tender process or an Expression of Interest due to the lack of expertise in this specific and
highly sought domain. If there are any other individuals that the Authority knows of and possess similar talents, MDIA would be eager to
engage them since, for the past three (3) years, we were always on the lookout to recruit such people. In fact, MDIA has issued several
vacancies both on the jobs plus portal and externally to recruit such individuals permanently; however, this has always resulted in the