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Nicaragua-Managua: DCI — Capacity building for the planning, supervision, assessment and integrated management of technical education and vocational training between the MINED, Inatec and Intecna — Tecnica

Nicaragua-Managua: DCI — Capacity building for the planning, supervision, assessment and integrated management of technical education and vocational training between the MINED, Inatec and Intecna — Tecnica has been closed on 20 Jun 2016. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the The European Union

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The European Union
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06 Nov 2016
20 Jun 2016
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Corrigendum No 1 to contract notice

Publication reference: EuropeAid/137970/DH/SER/NI

Location: Central America, Nicaragua

(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 11.5.2016, 2016/S 090-159479)

The European Union, represented by the European Commission, in the name and on behalf of the partner country, Managua, NICARAGUA.

Instead of 

7. Contract description:


1. Strengthen the institutional capacities of the MINED, Inatec and Intecna by devising and setting up mechanisms to ensure the efficient and integrated education management of technical education and vocational training, with regard to: (a) planning, supervision and assessment; and (b) guidance and information regarding the training on offer.


21. Selection criteria:


2) Candidate's professional capacity (based on sections 4 and 5 of the application form). The reference period that will be taken into account will be the 3 years prior to the submission deadline:

2.1. The staff proposed by the candidate must have suitable professional certification in fields related to this contract, e.g. in: planning, supervision, assessment, management of education statistics, design of information systems or institutional strengthening. (The certification level must be stated in the submitted application form).

2.2. At least 20 % of the tenderer's employees must be currently working in fields related to this contract.

3) Candidate's technical capacity [...]

23. Deadline for submission of applications:

The deadline for receipt of tenders is set at 13.6.2016 (17:00), local time in Nicaragua.



7. Contract description:


1. Strengthen the institutional capacities of the MINED, Inatec and Intecna by devising and setting up mechanisms to ensure the efficient and integrated education management of technical education and vocational training, with regard to: (a) planning, supervision and assessment; (b) statistics management; and (c) guidance and information regarding the technical education and vocational training on offer in Nicaragua.


21. Selection criteria:


2) Candidate's professional capacity (based on sections 4 and 5 of the application form). The reference period that will be taken into account will be the 3 years prior to the submission deadline:

2.1. The tenderer must have at least 10 employees working at present in fields related to this contract.

3) Candidate's technical capacity [...]

23. Deadline for submission of applications:

The deadline for receipt of tenders is set at 20.6.2016 (17:00), local time in Nicaragua.


All other conditions in the contract notice remain unchanged. The aforementioned amendments or corrections to the contract notice form an integral part thereof.
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