Statement by the economic operator that it has not been pronounced, in the last 5
years,anyeffectivecourtdecision for a criminal act as per the Article 88, paragraph 1, of the Public Procurement
- Certificate that it is not subject to a bankruptcy procedure, issued by competent authority;
- Certificate that it is not subject to liquidation procedure, issued by competent authority;
- Certificate for paid taxes, contributions and other public duties, issued by the competent
authorityinthecountrywhere the economic operator is officially registered;
- Certificate from the Register of penalties for committed criminal acts of legal entities that
asecondarypenaltyfora ban on participation in public call procedures, awarding of public procurement
contractsandcontractsforpublic-private partnership has not been imposed.
- Certificate from the Register of penalties for committed criminal acts of legal entities that asecondarypenaltyofa
temporary or permanent ban on performing certain activity has not been imposed.- Certificate that it has not
been announced any sanctions for misdemeanor with aneffectivecourtdecision,resulting in a ban on performing
a profession, activity, or duty, or in a temporary ban onperformingaparticularactivity.
-Document of registered activity;The economic operator is required to possess Certificate A for performing
supervision of works onfirst(I)category
structures, issued by the competent authority in the country as per the ConstructionLaw inforce(Official Gazette
of Republic of Macedonia no. 130/2009, 124/10, 18/11, 36/11, 54/11, 13/12, 144/12, 25/13, 79/13, 137/13,
163/13, 27/14, 28/14, 42/14, 115/14, 149/14, 187/14, 44/15, 129/15, 217/15, 226/15, 30/16, 31/16, 39/16,
71/16, 132/16, 35/18, 64/18, 168/18, 244/19, 18/20) or, for foreign economic operators, a Certificateissuedby
theauthority responsible for operations in the area of spatial planning/management accordingto Article 42of
theConstruction Law (Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia no. 130/2009, 124/10, 18/11, 36/11, 54/11,
13/12, 144/12, 25/13, 79/13, 137/13, 163/13, 27/14, 28/14, 42/14, 115/14, 149/14, 187/14, 44/15, 129/15,
217/15, 226/15, 30/16, 31/16, 39/16, 71/16, 132/16, 35/18, 64/18, 168/18, 244/19, 18/20) (applies to each
member of thegroup incase bid issubmitted by a group of economic operators – JV).