To prove the personal condition, the economic operator should submit the following documents
- statement that in the last 5 years no final court verdict has been pronounced for a crime committed by
Article 88 paragraph 1 of the PPL
- confirmation that no bankruptcy procedure has been opened by a competent authority
- confirmation that no liquidation procedure has been opened by a competent authority
- Certificate of paid taxes, contributions and other public duties from a competent authority of the country where
the economic operator is registered
- Confirmation from the Registry of fines for committed criminal acts of the legal entities that no secondary
penalty of prohibition to participate in public call procedures, award of public procurement contracts and contracts for
Public Private Partnership
- Confirmation from the Registry of fines for committed criminal acts of the legal entities that no secondary
punishment temporary or permanent prohibition to perform a certain activity
- Certificate that no misdemeanor sanction has been pronounced with a final judgment - prohibition to perform
profession, activity or duty, ie temporary prohibition to perform a certain activity
Document for registered activity: - Certificate for registered activity as proof that it is registered as a natural or legal person for performing the activity related to the subject of procurement or proof that it belongs to an appropriate professional association in accordance with the regulations of the country where it is registered. - License for energy activity, trade in crude oil, oil derivatives, biofuels and transport fuels issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission of RSM.