Massader for the Development of Natural Resources and Infrastructure Projects
“Noor Palestine Solar Program”
Turn-Key Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
3 x 5 MW (15 MW) Solar PV Parks
In the State of Palestine
Massader, the natural resources and infrastructure development arm of the Palestine Investment Fund (“PIF”) would like to invite potential EPC contractors to construct utility scale solar PV parks in Palestine on a turn-key basis. Massader is currently developing a 35MW solar PV Program – “The Noor Palestine Solar Program (“NPSP”)” based on distributed generation model for the benefit of certain consumers of electricity. As a first phase of NPSP, Massader will construct 3 utility scale solar PV parks with a capacity of around 5 MW each which will be connected to the local Medium Voltage Grid of the relevant Electricity Distribution Company.
Massader has appointed Tractebel Engineering Co. as its technical advisor to conduct a technical assessment to select 3 optimal locations to implement the first phase of the utility scale solar PV parks. At the end of the technical assessment, Massader will issue an RFP to engineer, procure, construct, test, commission and handover on gird utility scale Solar PV park(s) in the selected locations (the “Project”). As part of its preparations to issue the RFP, Massader would like, through this EOI, to pre-qualify potential firms/consortia for the Project.
Massader would like to appoint a competitive and qualified EPC contractor to implement the project (the “Contractor”) on turn-key basis following the issuance of the RFP. Reputable EPC contractors (or consortia) with track record and experience in implementing utility scale solar PV parks are hereby invited to express their interest and demonstrate their ability to carry out the Project and all of its related components including the design, procurement, installation, testing, commissioning and provision of performance guarantees for all related works and services of the Project. Interested Firms/Consortia must be reputable and have demonstrated experience in the implementation of utility scale Solar PV parks of at least 5 MW capacity on turn-key (EPC) basis. Firms/Consortia submitting EOIs for the Project shall demonstrate and clearly indicate their technical qualifications and financial capacity to handle a project of this size as a sole firm or leading firm in a consortium with joint and several liability.
Interested and qualified Firms/Consortia are required to obtain a copy of the EOI Requirements Document by contacting Massader at
Interested firms/consortia should submit all details and documents requested within this EOI dully signed by the authorized signatory no later than 11 November, 2016 end of business day.
The submission of this EOIs shall be sent as a soft copy by e-mail under the subject “Expression of Interest for EPC of 3 x 5 MW (15 MW) Solar PV Parks in the State of Palestine” to Mr. Basem Abdel Halim ( and Eng. Issam Khayyat (
Interested firms/consortia requesting any further information / clarifications regarding this EOI shall contact:
Eng. Issam Khayyat, Massader Co. at PIF Headquarter, Ammar Towers, Floor 12, Al-Ersal District, Ramallah, Palestine, Tel: +970-2-2969600, Mobile: +970-599373433, e-mail: