RFQMUS2022-001 “Procurement of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)
UNDP kindly requests your quotation for the Procurement of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) as per the below items as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ:
Lot 1 Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the Supply of Materials for Mooring Line
Lot 2 Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the Supply of Satellite buoy tracking / biomass sensor including relevant downloading and processing software
Lot 3 Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the Supply of Reinforced Fibreglass buoys
Lot 4 Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the Mounting, installation, and deployment of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) including provision of necessary materials
This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents:
Section 1: This request letter
Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data
Annex 1: Schedule of Requirements
Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form
Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer
When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the RFQ Instructions and Data.
Requests for clarification from bidders will not be accepted any later than 5 days before the submission deadline. When requesting clarification, the RFQ reference number RFQMUS2022-001 must be mentioned in the subject line of the email.
Note: A pre-bid meeting will be held on 16 February 2022 @ 10.00 am at the Fisheries Training and Extension Centre (FiTEC), Pointe aux Sables, Mauritius.
International bidders are invited to join the pre-bid meeting via Zoom:
Zoom Link: https://undp.zoom.us/j/84785899296?pwd=aGJVYU9uV2hiU3JDanZ2a28rSWhpQT09
Meeting ID: 847 8589 9296
Passcode: 352110
For correspondence, notifications and clarifications, kindly send an email to deepa.seeburn@undp.org and Raksha.ramloll@undp.org
Bid submission address: procurement.mu@undp.org
Deadline for the submission of quotation: Monday 14 March 2022 16.00hrs Mauritian time