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REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)- Development of Unique ID System for Timor Leste

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)- Development of Unique ID System for Timor Leste has been closed on 19 Apr 2019. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

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General information
United Nations Development Programme
Not available
08 Apr 2019
19 Apr 2019
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Overview :


The Initiation Plan for Unique ID system as a gateway to E-Government is a yearlong project funded by the SDG Innovation Fund under UNDG. The project seeks to develop a roadmap towards the unique ID system-platform for Timor-Leste.

Aligned with the global conversation on innovative use of technology in developing countries, this project therefore, focuses on accelerating progress in one high priority area—Innovations to boost social-inclusion and ‘leave no-one behind”—through the development of a roadmap towards the unique ID system-platform. The unique ID system is the foundation needed to improve delivery, efficiency, and planning of public services and to manage and coordinate social policy, that will contribute to establishing an e-government and other commitments made by the Government of Timor-Leste (GOTL).

A Single registry or Unique ID system can provide a transformative effect that will accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Timor-Leste. The unique ID will enable the Government of Timor-Leste to manage efficiently service delivery to citizens particularly in relation to the administration of entitlements, transfers and benefits. As a country with a total population of 1.2 million with around 60% under the age of 25[i], the provision of a unique ID from birth, through a citizen’s life can enhance the provision of coherent and systematic public services, including social protection programmes, while simultaneously reducing overlapping, exclusion errors, and administrative burden.

While there are several examples of single registry systems around the world, no “blue print” exists as the design depends on the country context, vision for the future, and other factors[ii].



The firm/consultant/company will provide technical expertise and guidance on all activities. The scope of work includes:

1.      Produce one Government Strategy and Plan developed in accordance with national priorities, with a clear understanding of governance, management, implantation, technical and monitoring and evaluation structures. 

2.      Support the relevant government counterparts through technical expertise.

3.      Consultation workshops.

4.      Preform readiness assessment of all the relevant stakeholder through meetings with them.

5.      Assess the technical and information infrastructure in place to identify gaps that need to be addressed to inform the work of the inter-ministerial working group.

6.      Develop an Options Paper with comparative studies and examples of best practices from relevant countries to assist in decision making at the request of the GoTL

7.      Support GoTL identify budget for creation of UID

8.      Develop a Government Strategy Plan for the implementation of Unique ID in Timor-Leste with clear actions and timelines 

9.      Provide support in organizing an e-government and digital age seminar


[i] General Directorate of Statistics/MOF and UNFPA (2016) Population and Housing Census Timor-Leste 2015

[ii] Iden



















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