Road Investment Strategy 3: Review of National Highways' ability to improve efficiency from its asset management capability
Road Investment Strategy 3: Review of National Highways' ability to improve efficiency from its asset management capability has been closed on 27 May 2022.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the OFFICE OF RAIL AND ROAD
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Description overarching objective of this commission is to determine the efficiencies that National Highways should be capable of achieving through improvements to the way that the company manages its assets on the Strategic Road Network.
The review should:
•provide an assessment of National Highways current asset management capability and maturity mid-way through road period 2;•document National Highways improvement plans and assess the Company's ability to make improvements to its asset management capability during the remainder of road period 2 and during road period 3;
•determine the scope for efficiencies that could be reasonably expected from improvements in the Company's asset management capability.
The Asset Management capability will focus primarily on National Highways' operations, maintenance and renewals activities.
Nevertheless, there are important overlaps between National Highways' approach to enhancements and its ongoing management of the asset that may need to be explored.
The review is intended to provide a resource for both ORR and National Highways as they discharge their responsibilities to the RIS processStatus: activeStreet address: 25 Cabot Square Locality: LondonPostal code: E14 4QZCountry: England