Results of the procurement procedure
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1)Name and addressesOfficial name: SPITALUL DE BOLI PSIHICE CRONICE BORSA
National registration number: 4305792
Postal address: Strada: Principala, nr. 258
Town: Borsa
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 407110
Country: Romania
Contact person: Daniel Tamas
Telephone: +40 264355287
Fax: +40 264355297
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
II.1.1)Title:Reference number: 4305792_2020_PAAPD1122785
II.1.2)Main CPV code15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
II.1.3)Type of contractSupplies
II.1.6)Information about lotsThis contract is divided into lots: yes
II.1.7)Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT)Value excluding VAT: 2 053 194.00 RON
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15220000 Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15330000 Processed fruit and vegetables
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Numar lot 5 - Denumire lot – Legume congelate
Lot No: 5
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15331170 Frozen vegetables
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Produse de cofetarie si patiserie
Lot No: 12
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15812000 Pastry goods and cakes
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Diverse produse alimentare
Lot No: 2
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15800000 Miscellaneous food products
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15131700 Meat preparations
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15870000 Condiments and seasonings
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)03142500 Eggs
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15811000 Bread products
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15110000 Meat
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)15500000 Dairy products
II.2.3)Place of performanceNUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.1)Previous publication concerning this procedureNotice number in the OJ S: 2020/S 205-498218
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: VEL PITAR
National registration number: RO 21229091
Postal address: Strada Timiş, Nr. 22
Town: Ramnicu Valcea
NUTS code: RO415 Vâlcea
Postal code: 240630
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 250746001
Fax: +40 250746004
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 159 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 21 670.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 211 563.50 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 13 944.70 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ZEC IMPEX
National registration number: RO 8110823
Postal address: Strada BISTRITEI, Nr. 63
Town: Dej
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 405200
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0745516755
Fax: +40 0264211337
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 386 910.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 32 717.50 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 175 696.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 13 223.30 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ANDROMI COM
National registration number: RO 5198520
Postal address: Strada CALEA APATEULUI, Nr. 291/L
Town: Oradea
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 410222
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 259393309
Fax: +40 259393309
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 277 560.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 22 891.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 25 700.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 088.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 31 980.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 4 095.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: STEDYAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 15779023
Postal address: Strada scolilor, Nr. 39
Town: Braila
NUTS code: RO221 Brăila
Postal code: 6100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 339732804
Fax: +40 339732804
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 288 295.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 12 990.40 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 21 786.50 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 290.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: SAMARA MEAT
National registration number: RO37846212
Postal address: Strada CARAMIZILOR 55A, Nr. 55A
Town: Baia Sprie
NUTS code: RO114 Maramureş
Postal code: 435100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 262212134
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 333 400.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 3 975.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 123 768.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 2 561.60 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 30 340.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 184.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 25 700.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 886.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 211 563.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 5 924.95 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: STEDYAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 15779023
Postal address: Strada scolilor, Nr. 39
Town: Braila
NUTS code: RO221 Brăila
Postal code: 6100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 339732804
Fax: +40 339732804
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 288 295.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 15 159.95 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 175 696.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 7 204.70 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 389 825.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 39 833.86 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 82 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 110.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 6 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 576.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ZEC IMPEX
National registration number: RO 8110823
Postal address: Strada BISTRITEI, Nr. 63
Town: Dej
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 405200
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0745516755
Fax: +40 0264211337
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 723 800.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 6 071.40 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: VEL PITAR
National registration number: RO 21229091
Postal address: Strada Timiş, Nr. 22
Town: Ramnicu Valcea
NUTS code: RO415 Vâlcea
Postal code: 240630
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 250746001
Fax: +40 250746004
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 188 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 4 400.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 389 825.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 4 327.55 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 330 700.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 6 265.10 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 48 690.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 448.90 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 82 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 30 340.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: AMA FRUCT CP
National registration number: 28103545
Postal address: Strada Sat Rotopanesti, Nr. 17
Town: Horodniceni
NUTS code: RO215 Suceava
Postal code: 727314
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 374014779
Fax: +40 230521515
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: STEDYAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 15779023
Postal address: Strada scolilor, Nr. 39
Town: Braila
NUTS code: RO221 Brăila
Postal code: 6100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 339732804
Fax: +40 339732804
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 330 700.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 175 696.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: AMA FRUCT CP
National registration number: 28103545
Postal address: Strada Sat Rotopanesti, Nr. 17
Town: Horodniceni
NUTS code: RO215 Suceava
Postal code: 727314
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 374014779
Fax: +40 230521515
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 33 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 25 700.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:04/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: VEL PITAR
National registration number: RO 21229091
Postal address: Strada Timiş, Nr. 22
Town: Ramnicu Valcea
NUTS code: RO415 Vâlcea
Postal code: 240630
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 250746001
Fax: +40 250746004
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 188 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 159 500.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: AMA FRUCT CP
National registration number: 28103545
Postal address: Strada Sat Rotopanesti, Nr. 17
Town: Horodniceni
NUTS code: RO215 Suceava
Postal code: 727314
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 374014779
Fax: +40 230521515
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 48 690.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 21 786.50 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: STEDYAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 15779023
Postal address: Strada scolilor, Nr. 39
Town: Braila
NUTS code: RO221 Brăila
Postal code: 6100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 339732804
Fax: +40 339732804
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 529 050.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 288 295.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:13/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ANDROMI COM
National registration number: RO 5198520
Postal address: Strada CALEA APATEULUI, Nr. 291/L
Town: Oradea
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 410222
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 259393309
Fax: +40 259393309
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 174 300.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 123 768.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ANDROMI COM
National registration number: RO 5198520
Postal address: Strada CALEA APATEULUI, Nr. 291/L
Town: Oradea
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 410222
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 259393309
Fax: +40 259393309
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: SAMARA MEAT
National registration number: RO37846212
Postal address: Strada CARAMIZILOR 55A, Nr. 55A
Town: Baia Sprie
NUTS code: RO114 Maramureş
Postal code: 435100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 262212134
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 492 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 333 400.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: SAMARA MEAT
National registration number: RO37846212
Postal address: Strada CARAMIZILOR 55A, Nr. 55A
Town: Baia Sprie
NUTS code: RO114 Maramureş
Postal code: 435100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 262212134
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ANDROMI COM
National registration number: RO 5198520
Postal address: Strada CALEA APATEULUI, Nr. 291/L
Town: Oradea
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 410222
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 259393309
Fax: +40 259393309
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 461 400.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 277 560.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ZEC IMPEX
National registration number: RO 8110823
Postal address: Strada BISTRITEI, Nr. 63
Town: Dej
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 405200
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0745516755
Fax: +40 0264211337
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ROMFULDA PROD S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 6906101
Postal address: Strada Libertăţii, Nr. 50
Town: Bistrita
NUTS code: RO112 Bistriţa-Năsăud
Postal code: 420155
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 263211743
Fax: +40 263234874
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 723 800.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 386 910.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 37 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 18 675.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ROALMISA INV
National registration number: 30715430
Postal address: Strada LUPULUI, Nr. 22
Town: Zalau
NUTS code: RO116 Sălaj
Postal code: 450011
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 769046677
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 389 825.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 211 563.50 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 174 300.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 9 673.80 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ANDROMI COM
National registration number: RO 5198520
Postal address: Strada CALEA APATEULUI, Nr. 291/L
Town: Oradea
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 410222
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 259393309
Fax: +40 259393309
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 461 400.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 27 867.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 33 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 2 174.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: SAMARA MEAT
National registration number: RO37846212
Postal address: Strada CARAMIZILOR 55A, Nr. 55A
Town: Baia Sprie
NUTS code: RO114 Maramureş
Postal code: 435100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 262212134
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 492 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 33 265.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ZEC IMPEX
National registration number: RO 8110823
Postal address: Strada BISTRITEI, Nr. 63
Town: Dej
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 405200
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0745516755
Fax: +40 0264211337
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 723 800.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 35 217.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: SAMARA MEAT
National registration number: RO37846212
Postal address: Strada CARAMIZILOR 55A, Nr. 55A
Town: Baia Sprie
NUTS code: RO114 Maramureş
Postal code: 435100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 262212134
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 492 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 8 987.50 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:04/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: VEL PITAR
National registration number: RO 21229091
Postal address: Strada Timiş, Nr. 22
Town: Ramnicu Valcea
NUTS code: RO415 Vâlcea
Postal code: 240630
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 250746001
Fax: +40 250746004
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 188 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 19 800.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 330 700.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 14 609.30 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/02/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: STEDYAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 15779023
Postal address: Strada scolilor, Nr. 39
Town: Braila
NUTS code: RO221 Brăila
Postal code: 6100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 339732804
Fax: +40 339732804
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 529 050.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 507.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:25/03/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 174 300.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 2 191.20 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: STEDYAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 15779023
Postal address: Strada scolilor, Nr. 39
Town: Braila
NUTS code: RO221 Brăila
Postal code: 6100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 339732804
Fax: +40 339732804
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 529 050.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 29 306.30 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: SAMARA MEAT
National registration number: RO37846212
Postal address: Strada CARAMIZILOR 55A, Nr. 55A
Town: Baia Sprie
NUTS code: RO114 Maramureş
Postal code: 435100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 262212134
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 492 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 76 520.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ANDROMI COM
National registration number: RO 5198520
Postal address: Strada CALEA APATEULUI, Nr. 291/L
Town: Oradea
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 410222
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 259393309
Fax: +40 259393309
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 461 400.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 45 621.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 33 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 952.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ZEC IMPEX
National registration number: RO 8110823
Postal address: Strada BISTRITEI, Nr. 63
Town: Dej
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 405200
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0745516755
Fax: +40 0264211337
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 188 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 61 528.60 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 37 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 2 988.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 48 690.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 4 332.46 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 330 700.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 39 166.20 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: VEL PITAR
National registration number: RO 21229091
Postal address: Strada Timiş, Nr. 22
Town: Ramnicu Valcea
NUTS code: RO415 Vâlcea
Postal code: 240630
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 250746001
Fax: +40 250746004
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 188 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 46 200.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 174 300.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 21 702.80 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:26/04/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 82 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 8 140.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: ZEC IMPEX
National registration number: RO 8110823
Postal address: Strada BISTRITEI, Nr. 63
Town: Dej
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 405200
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0745516755
Fax: +40 0264211337
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 386 910.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 10 325.20 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:11/11/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: VEL PITAR
National registration number: RO 21229091
Postal address: Strada Timiş, Nr. 22
Town: Ramnicu Valcea
NUTS code: RO415 Vâlcea
Postal code: 240630
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 250746001
Fax: +40 250746004
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 159 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 8 855.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 37 500.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 618.50 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 389 825.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 18 808.05 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: STEDYAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 15779023
Postal address: Strada scolilor, Nr. 39
Town: Braila
NUTS code: RO221 Brăila
Postal code: 6100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 339732804
Fax: +40 339732804
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 529 050.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 29 884.90 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 82 000.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 4 329.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:08/01/2021
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 48 690.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 2 105.85 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: SAMARA MEAT
National registration number: RO37846212
Postal address: Strada CARAMIZILOR 55A, Nr. 55A
Town: Baia Sprie
NUTS code: RO114 Maramureş
Postal code: 435100
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 262212134
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 333 400.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 28 530.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: PARHAN COM S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 4491776
Postal address: Strada Principala, Nr. 191
Town: Bratca
NUTS code: RO111 Bihor
Postal code: 417080
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 722465954
Fax: +40 259353643
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 123 768.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 8 757.60 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: LECONFEX S.R.L.
National registration number: RO 2092175
Postal address: Strada Cuza Vodă, Nr. 6
Town: Deva
NUTS code: RO423 Hunedoara
Postal code: 330058
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0254218722
Fax: +40 354414000
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 18 675.00 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 494.00 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:03/01/2022
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractorOfficial name: EXIMAL IMPEX
National registration number: RO 6702713
Postal address: Strada Observatorului, Nr. 109
Town: Cluj-Napoca
NUTS code: RO113 Cluj
Postal code: 400363
Country: Romania
Telephone: +40 0264438421
Fax: +40 0264438421
Internet address:
The contractor is an SME: yes
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 21 786.50 RON
Total value of the contract/lot: 1 818.90 RON
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:12/01/2022