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Supply, delivery and installation of Medical Oxygen Concentrators Supply System 225 litre 3 units for Yangon, Chin and Rakhine in Myanmar

Supply, delivery and installation of Medical Oxygen Concentrators Supply System 225 litre 3 units for Yangon, Chin and Rakhine in Myanmar has been closed on 30 Aug 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Capital Development Fund

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

General information
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Pharmaceutical & Medical
Not available
16 Aug 2021
30 Aug 2021
Irenee Dabare
+95 1542910
Not available

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject.  

This ITB includes the following documents:
Section 1: This Letter of Invitation
Section 2: Instruction to Bidders 
Section 3: Bid Data Sheet (BDS)    
Section 4: Evaluation Criteria
Section 5: Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications
Section 6: Returnable Bidding Forms 
o Form A: Bid Submission Form
o Form B: Bidder Information Form
o Form C: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information Form
o Form D: Qualification Form 
o Form E: Format of Technical Bid 
o Form F: Price Schedule
o Form G: Form of Bid Security

Your offer, comprising of a Technical Bid and Price Schedule, PDF version for proposal submission via, BU Code: MMR10, Event ID : 202120 (For e-Tendering submission – as indicated in e-Tendering system. Note that system time zone is in EST/EDT (New York) time Zone), should be submitted in accordance with Section 2. 

United Nations Development Programme  
No.6. Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township 
P.O. Box 650, Yangon 11211, Myanmar
Team Leader, Programme Support Unit

If you are interested in submitting a Bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your Bid in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this ITB and submit it by the Deadline for Submission of Bids set out in Bid Data Sheet. 
Please acknowledge receipt of this ITB by sending an email to , indicating whether you intend to submit a Bid or otherwise. You may also utilize the “Accept Invitation” function in eTendering system, where applicable. This will enable you to receive amendments or updates to the ITB. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person/s identified in the attached Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this ITB.  

The bid should be received through, no later than 30 August 2021.   The same bid should advise whether your company intends to submit a Bid. If that is not the case, UNDP would appreciate your indicating the reason, for our records.    

If you have received this ITB through a direct invitation by UNDP, transferring this invitation to another firm requires notifying UNDP accordingly. 

UNDP looks forward to receiving your Bid and thanks you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities. 

Required Documents that must be Submitted to Establish Qualification of Bidders (In “Certified True Copy” form only)

  • Company Profile, which should not exceed fifteen (15) pages, including printed brochures and product catalogues relevant to the goods and/or services being procured
  • Certificate of Incorporation/ Business Registration
  • Tax Registration/Payment Certificate issued by the Internal Revenue Authority evidencing that the Bidder is updated with its tax payment obligations, or Certificate of Tax exemption, if any such privilege is enjoyed by the Bidder
  • Valid Business Operation License
  • Quality Certificate (e.g., ISO13485, CE Certificate, Declaration of Conformity, Nutrient Content, Organic etc.) and/or other similar certificates, accreditations, awards and citations received by the Bidder, if any
  • Detailed product specifications (product data sheet), User’s Manual, Product Catalog/Brochure 
  • A proof of market clearance in at least one of the GHTF founding member countries (EU, US, Canada, Australia or Japan)
  • Clear description of the product (including a reference number from the manufacturer)
  • Local Government permit to locate and operate in assignment location, if applicable
  • Statement of Satisfactory Performance from the Top three (3) Clients in terms of Contract Value for similar (general supplies)
  • Last three years Audited Financial Statement (Income Statement and Balance Sheet) including Auditor’s Report for the past five years.
  • Form A: Bid Submission Form
  • Form B: Bidder Information Form
  • Form C: Joint Venture/consortium/. Association Information Form
  • Form D: Qualification Form
  • Form E: Format of Technical Bid (including Implementation plan and Technical compliance sheet)
  • Form F: Price Schedule Form
  • Form G: Bid Security
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