TA-9119 SOL: Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Improvement Program - International Environmental Safeguards Specialist (46499-002)
TA-9119 SOL: Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Improvement Program - International Environmental Safeguards Specialist (46499-002) has been closed on 17 Oct 2021.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the Ministry of Finance and Treasury
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
The Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Improvement Program (STIIP - the program) was approved in 2016
to improve Solomon Islands transport infrastructure financed by the National Transport Fund (NTF). The
executing agency for the program is the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MOFT), and the implementing
agency is the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) through the Central Project Implementation
Unit (CPIU).
The MID and its development partners agreed that it is both timely and beneficial to conduct a review of
the current approach to infrastructure maintenance, rehabilitation and construction subprojects being
executed under the Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Improvement Program using NTF mechanism. The NTF
has been established by pooling funds from Solomon Islands Government, ADB and Government of Australia’s
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to support transport projects identified under National
Transport Plan (NTP) for the period 2017-36. NTF serves as a sustainable mechanism to fund the
development and maintenance of transport infrastructure and transport services. Of the 1502 km of sealed
and unsealed roads, 377 bridges and 81 wharves, NTP targets to rehabilitate these infrastructure assets
to maintainable conditions and 100% of these to be annually maintained by 2030.
The projects for STIIP are selected from the Medium Term Transport Action Plan (MTTAP) 2019-23, which
addresses priority investment in the short to medium term for projects from NTP.STIIP is being
implemented to support the nationwide transport infrastructure program from 2015 to 2022for the various
outcomes of the program are (i) transport infrastructure rehabilitated and maintained to be safe, gender
responsive, and climate- and disaster resilient for all users, (ii) country systems strengthened, and
competency and capacity of government agencies improved to finance and implement national transport
plans, and (iii) Ministry of Infrastructure Development's (MID's) supervision and management of work
program strengthened. The program will benefit populations in rural and urban areas by strengthening
country systems for achieving better transport infrastructure system and intermodal connectivity of
national transport infrastructure using the existing mechanisms established. The results based lending
(RBL) modality is proposed for STIIP. The STIIP provides sector-wide financing of government's transport
sector program upon achievement of a set of pre-agreed Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs).
The Review will assess the extent to which STIIP has achieved its program outcomes, and document lessons
learnt in detailing which aspects of MID’s transport infrastructure management system have been improved
since the National Transport Fund was established in 2011, and the constraints that remain. It will be
important for the review to have a framework to work towards – the STIIP M&E framework, linking the
findings to outcomes.
Input Requirement
The MID with the assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) (using TA9119 SOL) will now recruit
the following individual consultants for the review and evaluation of the performance of NTF and STIIP:
a) International Team Leader / International Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Specialist (Indicative
duration(days)= 44.0)
b) International Infrastructure Policy Specialist (Indicative duration(days)=33.0)
c) International Financial Management Specialist (Indicative duration(days)=44.0)
d) International Social Safeguards Specialist (Indicative duration(days)=22.0)
e) International Environmental Safeguards Specialist (Indicative duration(days)=22.0)
f) National Team Coordinator (Indicative duration(days)=44.0)
The above consultants will be selected though Individual Consultant Selection (ICS) using ADB’s
Consultant Management System (CMS). Though the consultants will be selected individually, they will work
together to conduct the review and evaluation of the performance of the NTF and STIIP, and recommend a
sustainable funding mechanism for future NTF implementation.
The objective of the consultancy services through individual Consultants is to:
i. Provide technical leadership to develop the program framework, plans and indicators to capture
project performance results and provide effective, accurate and timely monitoring, evaluation and
reporting of all NTF and STIIP activities.
ii. Assess whether the Solomon Islands Government’s multimodal transport system efficiency and
sustainability improved as a result of STIIP (overall outcome) and to what extent outputs were achieved.
iii. Review the supervision carried out by CPIU, or CPIU contracted supervision personnel/firms, giving
due consideration to the number of maintenance and construction contracts (roads and wharves) including
administration procedures.
iv. Review MID’s current transport infrastructure management system from identification of the need
through to successfully completing a management response.
v. Review of contract management and contract performance, in terms of maintenance of physical
conditions, meeting the safeguards requirements including promoting participation of women and
vulnerable groups;
vi. Review the existing working mechanisms of STIIP including the assistance from the TA to CPIU in the
management and operation of all the activities. It will include the review the performance of the TA to
fill gaps in capacity of MID and also review the extent to which TA has influenced sustainable capacity
vii. Review the TA9119 consultants’ performance in terms of contract supervision and management and
comparison of CPIU’s capacity in terms of without support; and propose required man-power, restructuring
and capacity building of CPIU for self-sustaining operation and maintenance;
viii. Assess if the Government’s safeguards requirements have been complied with in each contract and
recommend steps for improvements for future contracting and supervision and responsibilities;
ix. Assess whether funds being disbursed (payments) from NTF including the financial closure of the
subprojects is achieved in a timely manner as per contract requirements;
x. Assess whether funds are made available to the NTF by the Government and the development partners as
committed and whether the subprojects’ performance has been impacted due to lack of funds;
xi. Assess the management, technical and financial performance of CPIU and MID in meeting the
indicators/targets for accessing/receiving funds through NTF;
xii. Assess the appropriateness, functionalities and legal aspects of the financing agreements between
the Government and development partners; and
xiii. Assess the appropriateness of NTF funds allocation to provide logistics support to CPIU to monitor
and supervise maintenance activities.
Scope of the Consulting Services:
The successful Consultants shall conduct a review of the current performance of STIIP under NTF funding
and recommend to establish best practice for infrastructure maintenance and construction supervision
activities, including aspects of labour-based equipment-supported and machine based contracts of roads,
bridges and wharves for future implementation through NTF current mechanism or any modified or different
approach. Taking into consideration the different capacity and resources between the provinces, this
review needs to determine how current supervisory and maintenance works contracts can be strengthened to
ensure that the approach adopted with future contracting will lead to the efficient delivery of
infrastructure maintenance services that is both effective and sustainable. The Consultants’ scope of
work shall include but not limited to all necessary activities to conduct all the review and evaluation
mentioned in the para no. 7. Details duties and responsibilities of each individual consultant are
described under individual consultant’s duties and responsibilities in Part C.
Coordination Arrangements:
All individual consultants shall coordinate with CPIU through Director CPIU, MID, NTF Board, NTF
Secretariat, MOFT, ADB, DFAT and other stakeholder. As physical presence is not possible due COVID 19
travel restriction, National Team Coordinator shall maintain all necessary physical coordination. Team
Leader shall be responsible for leading the consultant team and for the delivery of the output. He/she
shall maintain the coordination through videoconference or other suitable means of communication based
on the situation. He/she will be responsible for effectively communicating the technical inputs to a
broader audience. All other individual consultant shall report to Team Leader and provide his/her
delivery though Team Leader. Team Leader shall report to ADB for the delivery and output of the
In conducting this review, the individual consultants should undertake the following consultations and
documentation review:
i. Consult with MID/CPIU personnel for assessment of management and supervision arrangements for
infrastructure construction/improvement and maintenance works, including the implementation of LBES
ii. Develop a schedule to visit project sites located in various provinces of Solomon Islands. Such
visits should include discussions with personnel from MID, Provincial Government and where possible
supervisory, contractor and adjacent community groups. The work will be conducted by the National Team
Coordinator as per the direction and consultations with international consultants to collect all
necessary data and information. Any other additional requirement of survey/technical input can be
iii. Review all associated reports and documentation available, such as: -
o 2010 Report for the “Review of Labour-Based Road Maintenance and Contracting Activities in Solomon
o 2014 PRIF Report – “Infrastructure Maintenance: Review of Labour-Based Approaches”.
o NTF Act, Regulations, and Procedural Guidelines, NTF Board Agendas and Minutes: Project Steering
Committee (PSC) Agendas and Minutes, including associated reports and other documents submitted to the
Board and PSC
o National Transport Plan (NTP) and associated Draft 2011-2013 Transport Sector Action Plan (3YAP).
o Government of Australia/SIG Direct Funding Agreement (DFA) and associated DFAT documents including No
Objection Letters and requests
o SIG Development and Recurrent Budgets, NTF Audits, SIG Financial Instructions and related documents.
o Medium Term Transport Action Plan (MTTAP) 2019-23.
o Joint Report of Solomon Island’s National Transport Fund: Final Report, 2014
o STIIP preliminary and subsequent relevant reports and documentation;
o Aide memoire and other relevant documents from project review mission
o Annual work plans
o Tracking register prepared for the subprojects monitoring
o Ongoing supervisory performance reporting
o Independent technical and procurement audit reports
o Quarterly progress reports
o Safeguards monitoring reports
o Detailed design reports, contract agreement, design and documents of works contracts
o Any other relevant documents
During the mobilization stage, latest/revised documents will be provided to the Consultants.
MID / CPIU and NTF Secretariat will provide counterpart support through the Director CPIU, MID. MID
will provide office space sufficient for the team to work whilst in Solomon Islands.
The review team will have full access, at all reasonable times, to CPIU’s regional managers, job
managers, works supervisors, specialists and advisers, and any other relevant personnel.
The review team will have full and complete access, at all reasonable times, to all records and
documents including copies of previous reports, contract documents, and other available relevant
Duties and Responsibilities:
International Environmental Safeguard Specialist shall report to the Team Leader.
With consultation with Team Leader, he/she will liaise with CPIU, MID, NTF and ADB on a day to- day
basis and/or as and when needed. He/she will perform the following duties and responsibilities:
• Assist Team Leader and coordinate with other individual consultants to perform the assignment and
ensure submission of the reports as per schedule described under deliverable items;
• In consultation with Team Leader, coordinate with CPIU, MID, MOFT, NTF Board, NTF Secretariat, ADB,
DFAT and other stakeholder to conduct the review and assessment;
• Prepare a methodology and detailed work plan in consultation with all individual consultants for
conducting the review and assessment.
• Coordinate with all individual consultants through coordination meetings (video conference, online
meeting, etc.), consultations and or any other means of communication;
• Assist Team Leader and coordinate other consultants in preparing the draft and final report for the
said review and assessment. The draft and final report shall be providing clear recommendations for
sustainable NTF funding mechanism with the improved implementation of infrastructure maintenance
supervision and works contracts especially in terms of environmental safeguard issue. The Consultant’s
report shall be supported by the following review and analysis:
o Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of existing governance, management including environmental
safeguard and operational arrangements after the implementation of STIIP through NTF and, make
recommendations to SIG on any identified weaknesses or areas for strengthening to ensure the provision
of adequate support for future operations.
o Review of existing MID/CPIU processes, both supervisory and works execution, employed in the
implementation of infrastructure maintenance, including the effectiveness supervision and execution of
LBES contracting focusing on the environmental safeguard issues;
o Review effectiveness of the approach of the restructuring of the MID and creation of CPIU in the MID
Transport Infrastructure Management Services Department (TIMS), which is supported by the Project
Management and Implementation (PMI) Consultant, and the technical assistance (TA) activities of the ADB.
Provide recommendation for the improvement of this mechanism in terms of environmental safeguard issues.
o Conduct the assessment and evaluation of capacity gaps of MID in terms of environmental safeguards to
run transport sector related projects like STIIP and other activities and provide recommendations on
organizational changes (if necessary) and capacity building for future sustainability;
o Review and assessment of methods and criteria adopted for identifying projects that comply with
national, provincial and stakeholder priorities in terms of environmental safeguard requirements;
o Taking into consideration varying capacity and resource constraints between provinces, the overall aim
is to establish a viable, cost-efficient and effective method of management and execution of
infrastructure maintenance that is environmentally viable. Based on the Consultant’s review and
assessment of the existing approach, output expectations for this assignment include:
• Recommendations for necessary training needs for supervisory staff to enhance their capacity in
monitoring of environmental safeguards requirements;
• Assess the appropriateness of the infrastructure (roads, bridges, wharves etc.) maintenance mechanism
applied in STIIP maintenance contracts and recommend future improvements considering environmental
• Recommendations for the future methods/mechanism, number, sizing and duration of maintenance contracts
taking cognisance of the number of maintenance contracts being implemented throughout the provinces
considering the environmental issues; and
o Carry out any other tasks necessary to conduct the assignment
Bachelor degree in civil engineering/ environmental engineering/sciences or relevant with minimum 5
years of experience in environmental safeguard related issues preferably for road/infrastructure
projects. Experience in donor-funded projects is essential. The Consultant must have a solid record in
the review and assessment of similar activities.