Works contract award notice
Iringa and Ruvuma regions, United Republic of Tanzania
Publication reference:
Publication date of the contract notice:
Lot number and lot title:
Lot No; title:
1; Kising'a–Ilambilole–Isimanitarafani road (34,967 km) — Iringa region;
2; Kitiru–Itulituli road (14,972 km) — Iringa region;
3; Maguvani–Udumuka road section A (km 0 + 000 to km 15 + 000) — Iringa region;
4; Maguvani–Udumuka road section B (km 15 + 000 to km 29 + 013) — Iringa region;
5; Peramiho–Morogoro village road (7,424 km) and Peramiho–Lundusi road (6,345 km) — Ruvuma region;
6; Longa–Kipololo–Litoho road section A (km 0 + 000 to km 13 + 500) — Ruvuma region;
7; Longa–Kipololo–Litoho road section B (km 13 + 500 to km 24 + 954) — Ruvuma region.
Contract number and value:
Lot No; contract number; contract amount (EUR):
1; 2015/364-078; 5 919 667,85;
2; 2015/364-028; 3 117 063,39;
5; 2015/363-781; 2 106 309,08;
6; 2015/363-772; 2 579 398,04;
7; 2015/363-766; 2 254 826,51.
Date of award of the contract:
Lot No; contract number; date of contract award:
1; 2015/364-078; 30.6.2015;
2; 2015/364-028; 30.6.2015;
3; cancelled;
4; cancelled;
5; 2015/363-781; 30.6.2015;
6; 2015/363-772; 30.6.2015;
7; 2015/363-766; 30.6.2015.
Number of tenders received:
Lot No; number of tenders received:
1; 5;
2; 7;
3; 6;
4; 6;
5; 6;
6; 6;
7; 6.
Name, address and nationality of successful tenderer:
Lot No; name and nationality of successful tenderer:
1; DB Shapriya, 27-28 Nyerere Road, PO Box 3229, Dar es Salaam, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA;
2; Impresa di Costruzioni Ing. E. Mantovani S.p.A con socio unico, via Belgio 26, Z.I. Camin, 35127 Padua PD, ITALY;
5; G'S Contractors Ltd – Tanzania, PO Box 1699, Iringa, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA;
6; Canopies International Tanzania Ltd – Tanzania, PO Box 4473, Dar es Salaam, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA;
7; G'S Contractors Ltd – Iringa, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA.
Duration of contract:
Contract number; duration of contract:
2015/364-078; 15 months;
2015/364-028; 9 months;
2015/363-781; 9 months;
2015/363-772; 9 months;
2015/363-766; 9 months.
Contracting authority:
National Authorising Officer for EDF, Ministry of Finance, Dar es Salaam, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA.
Legal basis:
EDF: ACP–EC Partnership Agreement signed at Cotonou on 23.6.2000 as amended in 2005 and in 2010 (Annex IV).