The Respondent must:
(a)agree to enter into a Head Agreement with the Commonwealth on the terms and conditions at Head Agreement – Attachment C, without amendment, if selected as a Successful Respondent;
(b)not be subject to any judicial decision against them (not including decisions under appeal) relating to employee entitlements and who have not satisfied any resulting order;
(c)confirms if they are aware that they are under investigation, or the subject of court proceedings, in relation to a possible or actual breach of any relevant legislation, and if applicable, provide details;
(d)confirms that its immunisers are authorised to administer vaccinations in the nominated jurisdictions. Evidence to be promptly provided on request;
(e)confirms that its, and any proposed subcontractor/s, Vaccination Workforce meets:
i.the accreditation standards as per their relevant health professional qualification and registrations; and
ii.the Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation requirements to provide authorised immunisations to the vaccination location;
(f)confirms that its, and any proposed subcontractor/s, Vaccination Workforce will complete the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Vaccination Training Program prior to the administration of COVID-19 Vaccines. Evidence to be provided promptly on request;
(g)confirms that its, and any proposed subcontractor/s, Vaccination Workforce:
i.hold Working with Children checks; and
ii.comply with child safety requirements consistent with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework;
(h)confirms that the organisation has robust physical and cyber data security measures;
(i)be a legal entity;
(j)not be bankrupt or insolvent;
(k)provide a copy of:
i.a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record; or
ii.a receipt demonstrating that a Statement of Tax Record has been requested from the Australian Taxation Office attached to the submission, and will provide a copy to Health as soon as possible or at least prior to executing a Contract; and
iii.the Respondent holds a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record from any Subcontractor that it proposes, as part of its Submission, to engage to deliver the Services, where the estimated value of the Services to be undertaken by that Subcontractor is over $4 million (GST inclusive).
(l)not be listed as a non-compliant employer under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth).