NHSGG&C wish to provide an efficient and reliable Transport Service for Patients who are primarily non ambulatory who require to be conveyed, for example on a stretcher, chair etc across all our Acute Sites. Sites which may utilise this Service include Gartnavel General, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Royal Hospital for Children, Stobhill Hospitals Campus, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Beatson Oncology Centre, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Inverclyde Royal Hospital and Vale of Leven Hospital.
During the months of September to November 2017, the average number of patient conveyances per site using the service, per day is as follows:
Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) appx 1-2 per day
Inverclyde Royal Hospital (IRH) appx 1-2 per day
Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) appx 0-1 per day
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) appx 3-4 per day
Conveyances are mainly within the geographical boundaries of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde with a small proportion to hospitals out with, but normally to neighbouring Health Board Areas. Conveyances typically take place between 12:00-20:00 although some may take place out with this window.
In addition, NHS Lanarkshire sites which may utilise this service include University Hospital Wishaw, University Hospital Hairmyres and University Hospital Monklands.
During the months of August to October 2017 the average number of patient conveyances per site, per day are as follows:
University Hospital Wishaw appx 4-5 per day
University Hospital Hairmyres appx 4-5 per day
University Hospital Monklands appx 0-1 per day
Conveyances are mainly within the geographical boundaries of NHS Lanarkshire with a small proportion to hospitals outwith but normally to neighbouring Health Board areas. Conveyances typically take place between 12:00-00:00 although some may take place outwith this window.