W912PB22Q3003, Snow and Ice Removal, USAG Ansbach GERMANY
W912PB22Q3003, Snow and Ice Removal, USAG Ansbach GERMANY has been closed on 22 Mar 2022.
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Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
This is a non-personal services contract to provide Snow and Ice Removal Services for the U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach at Ansbach Katterbach Barracks and Airfield, Ansbach Bismarck Kaserne Barracks, Ansbach Barton Barracks, Ansbach Urlas – Army Family Housing, Shipton Kaserne Area, Illesheim Storck Barracks – Army Family Housing and Illesheim Airfield. The Government will not exercise any supervision or control over the contract service providers. The Contractor shall perform to the standards specified in this Performance Work Statement (PWS). Contract service providers shall be accountable solely to the Contractor who, in turn is responsible to the Government.