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01 national firm to develop, transfer and technical support for a user-friendly Internet-based government-citizen interaction system for Tay Ninh province (B-220501) Consumer Goods & Services 01 national firm to develop, transfer and technical support for a user-friendly Internet-based government-citizen interaction system for Tay Ninh province (B-220501)
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01 national firm to develop, transfer and technical support for a user-friendly Internet-based government-citizen interaction system for Tay Ninh province (B-220501)

01 national firm to develop, transfer and technical support for a user-friendly Internet-based government-citizen interaction system for Tay Ninh province (B-220501) has been closed on 26 May 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Viet Nam

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United Nations Development Programme


Consumer Goods & Services





12 May 2022


26 May 2022


Not available


01 national firm to develop, transfer and technical support for a user-friendly Internet-based government-citizen interaction system for Tay Ninh province (B-220501)
Procurement Process :RFP - Request for proposal
Office :UNDP Viet Nam - VIET NAM
Deadline :26-May-22
Posted on :12-May-22
Development Area :SERVICES  SERVICES
Reference Number :91093
Link to Atlas Project :
Non-UNDP Project
Documents :
Request for Proposal
Annex 2
Overview :

UNDP Vietnam is seeking for 01 national firm to develop, transfer and technical support for a user-friendly Internet-based government-citizen interaction system for Tay Ninh province.

Overall objective:

  • To provide technical solutions for Tây Ninh province to innovate its government-citizen interaction system, which is friendly for every citizen including people with disabilities and ethnic minorities.

Specific objectives:

  • To develop, test and transfer a user-friendly citizen feedback system for Tây Ninh province as proposed by the province in its technical proposal, adopting lean technology, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX) and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) solutions. The interface needs to be responsive to the needs of every citizen including people with disabilities and ethnic minorities and can be used both on web-based and mobile-based interfaces.
  • To provide technical support for relevant Tây Ninh authorities when the system is operationalized.  


Procurement Notice with enclosed TOR and evaluation criteria are in the attached files:


The selection will be on a competitive basis and will comply with UNDP procurement regulations.

Interested offerors are invited to submit Letter to UNDP technical proposals and financial proposals following guidance in the Procurement Notice to:

with notification by email (without attachment) to: that the bidder has submitted proposal.

UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.


Deadline for submission: 26 May 2022 (Hanoi time)

We look forward to receiving your proposal by the above deadline.

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