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BBRSO170129:Consultant to Develop a Diagnostic Report of Dominica’s Private Sector Retail BBRSO170129:Consultant to Develop a Diagnostic Report of Dominica’s Private Sector
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BBRSO170129:Consultant to Develop a Diagnostic Report of Dominica’s Private Sector

BBRSO170129:Consultant to Develop a Diagnostic Report of Dominica’s Private Sector has been closed on 20 Mar 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

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Location: Barbados

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United Nations Development Programme







03 Mar 2022


20 Mar 2022


Not available


BBRSO170129:Consultant to Develop a Diagnostic Report of Dominica’s Private Sector
Procurement Process :RFQ - Request for quotation
Office :Barbados - BARBADOS
Deadline :20-Mar-22
Posted on :03-Mar-22
Development Area :OTHER  OTHER
Reference Number :88695
Link to Atlas Project :
Documents :
Annex II: IC General Terms and Conditions
Annex III & IV: UNDP Offer Letter
Annex V: IC Sample Contract
BBRSO170129: Procurement Notice and ToR
Overview :

To apply, interested persons should upload the combined* Technical Proposal/Methodology (if applicable), CV and Offeror’s Letter to “UNDP Jobs” by navigating to the link below and clicking “APPLY NOW”, no later than the date indicated on the “UNDP Jobs” website. Applications submitted via email will not be accepted**: -

UNDP Job Site – (cut and paste into browser address bar if the link does not work)

* PLEASE NOTE: The system allows the upload of one (1) document ONLY – if you are required to submit a Technical Proposal/Methodology, this document along with your CV/P11 and Offeror’s Letter, MUST be combined and uploaded as one.

NOTE: The Financial Proposal should not be uploaded to “UNDP Jobs”**.


**Please email the password-protected Financial Proposal to The subject line of your email must contain the following: “BBRSO##### Financial Proposal – Your Name

If the password for your Financial Proposal is required, it will be requested by the Procurement Unit.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing to within three (3) days of the publication of this notice, ensuring that the reference number above is included in the subject line. The UNDP Barbados & the OECS Procurement Unit will post the responses*** two (2) days later, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to: - (cut and paste into browser address bar if the link does not work)

A detailed Procurement Notice, TOR, and all annexes can be found by clicking the above link.

*** UNDP shall endeavour to provide such responses to clarifications in an expeditious manner, but any delay in such response shall not cause an obligation on the part of UNDP to extend the submission date of the Proposals, unless UNDP deems that such an extension is justified and necessary.


The Private Sector in Dominica has a vital objective to create and enhance jobs through private sector driven economic growth while increasing its resilience. Over the recent years, many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have been impacted by hazards and disasters that threatened lives and livelihoods including Tropical Storm Erika, Hurricane Maria and the coronavirus. As a result of these impacts, the private sector has changed in composition as many businesses have closed their doors permanently and new businesses and industries have been developed. Additionally, there are great needs and challenges of the private sector to be addressed as well as new opportunities emerging from the pandemic, including the urgent need for digitalisation

Moreover, there are various organizations and institutions that desire to provide support to the private sector to enhance its growth and development; however, there is a significant lack of data to validate the effectiveness of the interventions that may take place.

Unlocking the dynamism of Dominica's private sector will be essential to successful economic Transformation and diversification. The private sector must dramatically expand its role in the economy, however,eliminating obstacles to its development will be critical to enhance productivity, accelerate economic growth, ensure economic and environmental sustainability, and create high-quality jobs. This also leads to further gains in quality of life.

Dominica’s emerging National Digital Strategy highlights the importance of creating an enabling environment for the business sector to drive the digital economy, however data is lacking as to the current characteristics of the sector and its needs.

The goals of the project, and the activities that will be implemented toward those goals

Dominica Association of Industry & Commerce (DAIC) seeks to collaborate with the UNDP Multi-country Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean and particularly their Project Office in Dominica on a Private Sector Diagnostic (PSD) to allow for a pragmatic development approach to maximize impact. This in-depth diagnostic will assess the state of the private sector with a particular focus on MSMEs and identify economy-wide and sector-specific limitations to private sector growth. This diagnostic will also point out growth opportunities that are pivotal to assisting Dominica in maximizing investment and job creation.

Constraints to private sector investment will be identified whilst pinpointing sectors with the most significant potential for private sector engagement, with a particular focus on the tourism sector. Finally, specific activities to drive developmental priorities will be recommended.

Expected impact of the project

This approach enables DAIC and UNDP to identify the characteristics of the private sector of Dominica to work together with other partners including the Government of Dominica to take concrete actions to address the development challenges of the private sector.

Specific Objectives:

  1. Undertake analysis to determine the current composition and situation of the Dominica Private Sector as well as a snapshot of the business environment, with a focus on MSMEs. The analysis will provide dissagreagted information including location, size, gender owbership, number of workers, digital readiness, etc).
  2. Determine policy options for addressing main cross cutting constraints that affect Dominica’s Private Sector Development.

Propose recommendations to promote the growth and development of Dominica’s private Sector with attention to key sectors including tourism and others.


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