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Call for Proposals  Harnessing Youth Potential for Transformational Impact for SDG and COVID 19 Economic Recovery Consumer Goods & Services Call for Proposals Harnessing Youth Potential for Transformational Impact for SDG and COVID 19 Economic Recovery
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Call for Proposals Harnessing Youth Potential for Transformational Impact for SDG and COVID 19 Economic Recovery

Call for Proposals Harnessing Youth Potential for Transformational Impact for SDG and COVID 19 Economic Recovery has been closed on 25 Jun 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

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Location: Zambia

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United Nations Development Programme


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15 Jun 2021


25 Jun 2021


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Call for Proposals Harnessing Youth Potential for Transformational Impact for SDG and COVID 19 Economic Recovery
Procurement Process :Other
Office :UNDP Country Office - ZAMBIA
Deadline :25-Jun-21
Posted on :15-Jun-21
Development Area :SERVICES  SERVICES
Reference Number :79631
Link to Atlas Project :
00134929 - Harnessing Youth Potential for Transformational Impact f
Documents :
Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals - word version
Overview :

Dear Sir/Madam,

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites interested Youth Organizations/Associations to submit Proposals to participate in a youth business acceleration programme to foster youth social inclusion and economic opportunities in three provinces (Lusaka, Central and Copperbelt) in Zambia.

The Zambian Government has a strong commitment and places a high priority towards youth development and empowerment, underscoring the importance of youth participation in the national development. Young people are recognized as a force for transformational change, and investments in young people are central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), spurring equitable economic growth, and reducing poverty. However, the Zambian youths are disproportionately affected by high unemployment rates compared to the rest of the population, with approximately more than 1.2 million youth out of work.

Despite a high youth unemployment rate, the entrepreneurial spirit of youths’ is strong and continues to be an important asset for sustained economic growth and social cohesion. Unfortunately, the challenges affecting the young entrepreneurs in Zambia are more apparent and include lack of access to finance, skills shortages, insufficient information on how to set up and run a business, inadequate mentorship and training opportunities, and an absence of focus on product innovation and process. These challenges have been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has further led to negative impacts on small-scale businesses in non-agricultural sectors, with people losing their jobs, or having to downsize or completely close their businesses.

In this context, UNDP working collaboratively with the Government of the Republic of Zambia, through the Ministry of Youth and Child Development (MYSCD) will provide opportunities for youth projects from youth organizations/associations to receive entrepreneurship training and micro-grants aimed at increasing empowerment of young people, particularly young women, and youth with disabilities.

Entrepreneurship training, coaching and mentorship will be awarded to 200 youth from 5 youth associations/organizations, targeting youth-led businesses in the agriculture, transport, manufacturing, and tourism sectors in Lusaka, Central, and Copperbelt provinces. Thereafter 40 youth-led business projects amongst the 5 youth associations/organizations will be selected and awarded micro-grants based on refined business proposals.

The proposals should focus on the four sectors, namely:

  • Improving youth social inclusion and economic opportunities in the agriculture sector.
  • Improving youth social inclusion and economic opportunities in the manufacturing sector.
  • Improving youth social inclusion and economic opportunities in the tourism sector.
  • Improving youth social inclusion and economic opportunities in the transport sector.

To be eligible for this call, an applicant (youth association/organization) must meet the following criteria for the selection:

  • Youth organization or association officially registered in Zambia for at least two (02) years (applications to be accompanied by proof of registration with relevant authorities (e.g NYDC, PACRA, Registrar of NGOs and Registrar of Societies);
  • Independent, non-political affiliated organizations;
  • Experience in the management of either donor funded micro-grants or GRZ loans with budget amounts equal to or more than amounts being requested.
  • Membership comprises representation from young women and youth with disabilities (submit list of members with their NRCs);
  • Youth organisations or associations must be able to submit a list of 40 individual business projects (at least led by 24  young women and 4 by young with disabilities) with clear descriptions as required in Annex I) for participating in the youth entrepreneurship skill training, and;
  • Youth organisations or associations must be able to submit a budget for 8 individual business projects, including other associated costs, in one of the following sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, transport, that will receive the micro-grants through the organization/association. It is important to note that these 8 individual business projects will be selected from the list of 40 individual business projects that were initially submitted with the proposals. Final selected 8 individual business projects will be done to ensure gender promotion and inclusiveness by providing quotas for business projects led by young women and youth with disabilities.

Specific criteria for youth individual business promoters:

  • Youths within the associations with or without general education qualifications are eligible to be included;
  • Youths within the associations must be aged between 18 – 35 years of age at the time of selection;
  • Youths within the organization must be available and accessible to attend entrepreneurship training for the entire training period, and;
  • The association/organization must have valid bank accounts indicting Bank Name, Account Number, Branch Name, Swift Code, Sort Code and TPIN number (a letter from the Bank should be attached confirming the Bank Details).

NOTE: Applications must satisfy the eligibility criteria applicable. Youth organizations/associations are expected to submit one application per organization/association detailing the comprehensive and detailed list of 40 individual youth business projects ( at least 24 projects led by young women and 4 youth with disabilities – more is welcome from your submission).

Application procedure for this call for proposals is available on (Procurement Notice ID# 79631). All applications must be made online and should be made up of filled application materials sent electronically to the following e-mail address: in PDF (signed and stamped) and word formats. The subject line should read: “Youth Business Acceleration Programme | Youth Project 2021 | [Insert Name of your organization]”.

Deadline for submission of grant proposals is 25th June 2021. It should be noted that it is your responsibility to ensure the timely submission of your full Proposal to the indicated email address on or before the deadline. Proposals that are received after the deadline, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.

An information meeting will be held via Zoom for interested applicants

Meeting ID: 421 831 9276

Password: 088492

Meeting link:

Date: 21 June 2021

Time: 11:00 hrs  

The UNDP focal point for all technical questions is:

 Ms Edith S. Namukonda (e-mail: ; Telephone: +260 978272022)

We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Yours Faithfully,             

Roland SERI

Deputy Resident Representative

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