Call for Quotes for the supply of Octenidine Dihydrochloride with a Concentration of 0.3 percent.
Call for Quotes for the supply of Octenidine Dihydrochloride with a Concentration of 0.3 percent. has been closed on 14 Jun 2019.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (MFH)
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
Location: Malta
General information
Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (MFH)
Machinery & Equipment
Pharmaceutical & Medical
- Name of Contracting Authority:
Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (MFH)
- Published on behalf of:
Central Procurement and Supplies Unit (MFH)
- Title:
- Call for Quotes for the supply of Octenidine Dihydrochloride with a Concentration of 0.3 percent.
- CfT CA Unique ID:
Q020-3623/19 CPSU84017P19NIC
- Evaluation Mechanism:
Price/Cost Effectiveness
- Description:
- The subject of this Call for Quotes is the supply of Octenidine Dihydrochloride with a Concentration of 0.3 percent.
- Procurement Type:
- Supplies
- Directive:
- 2014/24/EU (Classic)
- Procedure:
- Open
- CfT Involves:
- A Public Contract
- CPV Codes:
33631600-Antiseptics and disinfectants
33190000-Miscellaneous medical devices and products
33000000-Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Inclusion of e-Auctions:
- NUTS codes:
- MT00
- Above or Below threshold:
- Payment Options:
No payment for documentation
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
14/06/2019 09:30
- Deadline for dispatching invitations:
- End of clarification period:
11/06/2019 12:00
- Upload of documents within the clarifications:
- Tenders Opening Date:
14/06/2019 10:00
- Allow suppliers to Register for Notifications:
- Contract awarded in Lots:
- EU funding:
- Multiple tenders will be accepted:
- Date of Publication/Invitation:
05/06/2019 13:36
- TED links for published notices:
- Date of Awarding:
- Does this Call fall under the scope of GPP?:
- Certification check:
- No