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Cape Verde-Mindelo: EIB - Energy loss reduction and power quality improvement - Procurement of complete laboratories including training and supervision of installation (Lot 1), meters (Lot 2), and electrical equipment (Lot 3)
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Cape Verde-Mindelo: EIB - Energy loss reduction and power quality improvement - Procurement of complete laboratories including training and supervision of installation (Lot 1), meters (Lot 2), and electrical equipment (Lot 3)

Electra Sarl has announced a winner on 01 Jan 1970 for the following project: Cape Verde-Mindelo: EIB - Energy loss reduction and power quality improvement - Procurement of complete laboratories including training and supervision of installation (Lot 1), meters (Lot 2), and electrical equipment (Lot 3).

The amount allocated for this project has not been disclosed. During this time, the company will be responsible to fulfill its obligations, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Anyone who wish to appeal this decision can contact Electra Sarl

Bellow, you can find more information about the project:

Location: Cape Verde

General information


Electra Sarl


Construction & Engineering


Machinery & Equipment


Contract award



23 Aug 2017


Not available


Not available



Contract Award Notice

Procurement of Complete Laboratory including Training and Supervision of Installation, Meters and Electrical Equipment Electra, Sarl, the Republic of Cabo Verde

Reference number: Component 3

1. The Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde (hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower”) has received a grant from the Investment Facility – IF, that is administered by the European Investment Bank – EIB (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) – towards the cost of the project Energy Loss Reduction and Power Quality Improvement Program. This International Invitation for Tenders relates to the contracts for Bidding Document for Procurement of Complete Laboratory including Training and Supervision of Installation, Meters and Electrical Equipment in three lots.

2. General scope of the project: the aim of the present Tender is to select a supplier(s) for the delivery of equipment in three lots as follows:

Lot 1: Complete Laboratories including Training and Supervision of Installation

Lot 2: Meters

Lot 3: Electrical Equipment

3. This contract is expected to be implemented in 2017.

4. The criteria to be used in the tender evaluation is most economically advantageous tender. In addition, for Lot 2, one sample meter per pre-paid meter type shall be tested for compatibility and compliance. The compatibility and compliance testing for pre-paid meters will be done on pass/fail criteria. In case the meter does not pass the test, the bid will be rejected.

5. All qualified firms/consortia (all countries except sanctions regimes as per UN Security Council and EU) are invited to participate in the tender. Detail qualification criteria (based on financial capacity, technical capacity and specific experience) are specified in tender documents

6. The evaluation results and contracts are awarded:

Lot 1: Laboratories including Training and Supervision of Installation

- Bidders:

• Siemens SA

- Technically responsive and qualified bidders, ranking:

1. Siemens SA; contract amount EUR 812,699.00

- Rejected bidders: none

Lot 2: Meters

- Bidders:

• Hexing Electrical Co. Ltd

• Resul Equipamentos de Energia, SA

- Technically responsive and qualified bidders, ranking:

1. Hexing Electrical Co. Ltd.; contract amount EUR 892,971.19

- Rejected bidders:

• Resul Equipamentos de Energia, SA; technically non-responsive

Lot 3: Electrical Equipment

- Bidders:

• Hexing Electrical Co. Ltd

• Resul Equipamentos de Energia, SA

- Technically responsive and qualified bidders, ranking:

1. Resul Equipamentos de Energia, SA; contract amount EUR 412,391.86

- Rejected bidders:

• Hexing Electrical Co. Ltd; technically non-responsive

7. For the Purchaser:

Mr João Fonseca, Electra Sarl, Rua Dr. Baltazar Lopes da Silva no. 10, PO Box 137, Mindelo, São Vicente, Capo Verde, Tel: +238 2303030, Fax: +238 2324446, E-mail:

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