Jadrolinija (38453148181) has announced a winner on 01 Jan 1970 for the following project: Croatia-Rijeka: Engines.
The amount allocated for this project has not been disclosed. During this time, the company will be responsible to fulfill its obligations, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Anyone who wish to appeal this decision can contact Jadrolinija (38453148181)
Bellow, you can find more information about the project:
Location: Croatia
Jadrolinija (38453148181)
Contract award
06 Jul 2016
Not available
Not available
+385 14559930
+385 51666150/+385 51666147
+385 996820581
+385 12499376
Contract award notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Official name: Jadrolinija
National registration number: 38453148181
Postal address: Riva 16
Town: Rijeka
Postal code: 51000
Country: Croatia
Contact person: Tehnički sektor, Nabavna služba, Odjel javne nabave
For the attention of: Marinko Šegota, Biserka Kovač, Morena Lučić
E-mail: marinko.segota@jadrolinija.hr, javna.nabava@jadrolinija.hr, morena.lucic@jadrolinija.hr
Telephone: +385 51666150/+385 51666147
Fax: +385 51499000
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority: www.jadrolinija.hr
Address of the buyer profile: www.jadrolinija.hr
Electronic access to information: https://eojn.nn.hr/SPIN/application/ipn/DocumentManagement/DokumentPodaciFrm.aspx?OznakaDokumenta=2016%2fS+003-0012153
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: https://eojn.nn.hr/Oglasnik
Section II: Object of the contract
34311000 Engines
Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: 285/2016 Lot No: 1Official name: Matadura d. o. o.
National registration number: 58650688055
Postal address: Put Žnjana 18a
Town: Split
Postal code: 21000
Country: Croatia
E-mail: dalibor.krklec@vip.hr
Telephone: +385 996820581
Official name: Teknoxgroup Hrvatska d. o. o.
National registration number: 31826907316
Postal address: Radnička cesta 218
Town: Zagreb
Postal code: 10000
Country: Croatia
E-mail: biljana.simpraga@teknoxgroup.com
Telephone: +385 12499376
Fax: +385 12404662
Internet address: http://www.teknoxgroup.com/hr/
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