eConsult: Environmental and Social Consultant required for road infrastructure project in Panama has been closed on 07 Oct 2021.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the World Bank ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW Assignment Title: 1276934- Environmental and Social Consultant required for road infrastructure project in Panama Assignment Countries:- Panama ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION The Advisory Services in Public Private Partnerships of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), is in discussions with the Government of Panama (GoP), to engage IFC as the lead advisor to structure and implement a private sector participation project (PSP) to improve road transport infrastructure in the country. The Project entails a PPP transaction to rehabilitate, operate and maintain 246 kms of road between Pacora and Yaviza known as the East Pan-American Road. The Environmental and Social (E&S) Consultant is expected to assist IFC with all E&S aspects of the transaction from the beginning of the mandate until the successful award of the Project following Panama's PPP law. This will be the first project part of a wider program intended to cover close to 2,000 kms of interurban roads in the country. FUNDING SOURCE The World Bank Group intends to finance the assignment / services described below under the following:- BANK BUDGET INDIVIDUAL / FIRM PROFILE The consultant will be a firm. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The World Bank Group now invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. for firms; CV and cover letter for individuals). Please note that the total size of all attachments should be less than 5MB. Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. Interested firms are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest. Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically through World Bank Group eConsultant2 ( NOTES Following this invitation for Expression of Interest, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Shortlisting and selection will be subject to the availability of funding. Only those firms which have been shortlisted will receive notification. No debrief will be provided to firms which have not been shortlisted. Qualification Criteria 1. Provide information showing that they are qualified in the field of the assignment. * 2. Provide information on the technical and managerial capabilities of the firm. 3. Provide information on their core business and years in business. 4. Provide information on the qualifications of key staff. *- Mandatory Electronic Submissions through World Bank Group eConsultant2 This is an announcement from the World Bank's e-Consultant2 system. Please refer to for the official announcement as well as for any updates. Environmental and Social Consultant required for road infrastructure project in Panama Panama Not cancelled Request for Expression of Interest Consulting Services- Firm Thursday, October 7, 2021- 17:00 WB-P835511-09/21 BB- BANK BUDGET General- Environment General- Social Services Thursday, September 30, 2021 English Thursday, September 30, 2021- 07:43 World Bank