Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) has been closed on 14 Jul 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the DEPT OF DEFENSE.DEPT OF THE ARMY.AMC.ACC.ACC-CTRS.ACC-APG.W6QK ACC-APG
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Location: United States
Business Services
02 Jul 2021
14 Jul 2021
Not available
Amber M. Lowe
*** NOTE – Product Manager (PdM) Electronic Warfare Integration (EWI) elects to resolicit responses with updated contract requirements included. This Request for Information (RFI) is an update to the previous market survey, which is more than 12 months old. ***
Amendment 0001 - This RFI is being amended to post questions and answers.
Request for Information (RFI):
Program Executive Officer (PEO) Electronic Warfare & Sensors (IEW&S), Project Manager (PM) Electronic Warfare & Cyber (EW&C), PdM EWI, is resoliciting responses from those companies that responded to the original RFI in order to obtain an updated response. PdM EWI is conducting this RFI to identify sources capable of providing a range of continued services necessary for the design, build, integration, testing, delivery, and maintenance of the Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) system.
PdM EWI is the Product Manager for the Acquisition, Development, Deployment and sustainment of the EWPMT. Facing an electromagnetic environment that is congested and contested among adversaries and nonaligned parties and the proliferation of electronic warfare (EW) technologies worldwide, the Army intends to develop a framework to integrate current and future EW capabilities into a networked, modular system capable of providing a unified EW capability across the force. The EWPMT is a software application that gives Electronic Warfare Officers (EWO) and Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager (ESM) mission planning capability to plan, coordinate, manage, and de-conflict unit EW activities. It provides battle management for distributed, networked EW capability, aligned with fires and synchronize air/ground electromagnetic spectrum operations across the 2/3/6 areas of responsibility.
EWPMT is currently being developed and supported under a contract with Raytheon. PdM EWI is seeking to extend the current contract to 30 September 2023. This RFI is to continue and finalize the development of EWPMT Increment I Capability Drop (CD) 4, support current user’s requirements, and transition software into sustainment.
The required capabilities of EWPMT are as follows:
1. EW Mission Planning - Provide the data necessary to identify signal type or signal identification. For pulsed RADARs, this will include but is not limited to RF, pulse repetition interval, continuous wave (CW) and pulse width.
2. EW Effectiveness - Provide the capability to identify friendly vulnerabilities in the area of operations exploited by enemy actions. Provide damage assessments of electromagnetic attacks of identified targets to determine if the desired effects were achieved or the target requires reattack. Display current and post mission analysis to determine mission effectiveness and Battlefield Damage Assessment (BDA).
3. Reprogramming of Organic EW assets (Multi-Function Electronic Warfare (MFEW) and Terrestrial Layer System (TLS) Systems). Provide the capability to remotely control all organic, attached, and/or OPCON EW assets over the network. Provide the capability to execute "Buzzer On / Buzzer Off" (an unclassified term to initiate and terminate EA activities) remotely over the tactical SIPR network in support of EW missions. The EWPMT shall have a graphical user interface (GUI) for the control of EW assets.
4. Provide EA Alert - Display EW Strike. Display detected RF emitters associated with enemy weapons and sensor systems providing display warning of impending threat or attack.
5. Support the Targeting Process - Provide Find-Fix-Target (F-F-T) information to Fires and Maneuver elements based on MFEW & TLS survey data to support the deliberate targeting process for scheduled and on call targets; and to support the dynamic targets of opportunity: unplanned and unanticipated. Provide Find-Fix-Target (F-F-T) information to Fires and Maneuver elements as necessary involving actions tasked by, or under direct control of an operational commander to search for, intercept, identify, and locate sources of intentional and unintentional radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition, targeting, planning, and conducting future operations.
6. Provide Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Information – Provide the ability to assess unit's emission of electromagnetic, acoustic, or other emitters to optimize friendly operations and capabilities while minimizing detection by enemy sensors and mutual interference among friendly systems.
7. Training Support:
a. Provide qualified Electronic Warfare (EW) and Electromagnetic Spectrum (ESM) trainers/instructors to conduct 10-day EWPMT New Equipment Fielding (NEF), New Equipment Training (NET), and network integration military to units as directed by the Government. Training will be conducted at CONUS and OCONUS Government or Contractor locations to include but not limited to; Vilseck, Germany; Vicenza, Italy; Camp Humphries, South Korea; Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA; Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Hood, Texas, Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Carson, Colorado; Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Fort Wainwright, Alaska; Fort Richardson, Alaska. Training events require a minimum of two trainers within in a classroom environment, culminating into a 1-day field training exercise in austere training environments with flexible work days/week to include weekends, when required.
b. Provide qualified Field Service Representatives (FSR’s) to support 10-day EWPMT New Equipment Fielding (NEF), New Equipment Training (NET), network integration and any follow-on/additional support to Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) Units as directed by the Government. FSR support will be conducted at CONUS and OCONUS Government or Contractor locations to include but not limited to; Vilseck, Germany; Vicenza, Italy; Camp Humphries, South Korea; Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA; Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Hood, Texas, Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Carson, Colorado; Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Fort Wainwright, Alaska; Fort Richardson, Alaska. Training events require a minimum of one FSR per training and integration event in a classroom or lab environment culminating in a 1-day field training exercise in austere training environments with flexible work days/week to include weekends, when required.
c. Government Furnished Property: Government will provide three training kit sets (two tough boxes per set) totaling 39 laptops and additional ancillary equipment to establish a fully functional unclassified, closed training environment.
8. Provide Electronic Warfare (EW) and Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) support services to enable the deployment/equipping of the EWPMT at numerous government sponsored exercises/Units. EWPMT support to these exercises will include (but is not limited to), Cyber Quest, MDO Live (formerly Cyber Blitz), Project Convergence and the Positioning, Navigation and Timing Assessment Exercise (PNTAX) series of exercises. Individuals will be required to provide EWPMT exercise support at locations across the Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) to include (but not limited to) Hawaii, Guam, the Republic of South Korea, Germany, and the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, CA. Contractors must be able to successfully execute their duties in austere training environments with flexible work week scheduling (to include exercises conducted during the hours after midnight to accommodate limited available windows for EW effects, such as GPS jamming). PdM EWI is seeking individuals with strong SIGINT, EW and ESM backgrounds and experience to provide subject matter expertise (SME) to integrate the EWPMT at these high visibility exercises. These individuals must be able to perform higher headquarters functions in the management and oversight of the EWPMT and must possess an exceptional understanding of the fundamental principles of SIGINT, EW and ESM. Personnel will be responsible for providing PdM EWI with daily event support reports, providing customer support, and possess the ability to rapidly integrate and troubleshoot the EWPMT into these exercise networks in often permissive environments.
9. Test Support-Provide test support for the Developmental Test (DT) and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) of the TLS and MFEW systems. PdM EWI will use these system’s IOT&Es as the Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation for EWPMT. Presently there are two DT events for each of the systems, TLS and MFEW. During the DT events a Cooperative Vulnerability and Penetration Assessment (CVPA) will be conducted. This requires for cybersecurity engineer to be present to answer any question the CVPA team reveals.
10. Support the Intelligence Operations – Provide electromagnetic data to the S2 in order to facilitate Intelligence Planning & Direction, Collection, Processing & Exploitation, Analysis & Production, and Dissemination & Integration. Disseminated data will be provided through various tactical networks and systems which will require extensive integration into the Tactical Operation Center (TOC) architecture.
Any interested party shall submit a white paper in response to the above capabilities. The white paper shall be due no later than 30 days after posting of this RFI. The response date denoted on SAM.Gov shall hold precedence. Offerors may submit any questions related to this RFI no later than one week after the posting date. RFI responses are limited to ten (10) pages, including cover and administrative pages. All RFI responses shall include the following:
a) Company name, company address, overnight delivery address (if different from mailing address), CAGE code, point of contact, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number.
b) Certification of business size (large or small) under NAICS code 541511 "Custom Computer Programming Services". Also provide socioeconomic categories if a small business (i.e. large, small disadvantage, veteran-owned, woman-owned, etc.).
c) State whether the vendor has the capability to fully meet some or all of the above EWPMT capabilities. If the vendor can only partially meet the capabilities, state the specific capabilities.
d) Describe the approach to meeting the above engineering support and developmental capabilities for EWPMT. Fully describe a notional schedule; time phased Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate based on the capabilities; risks to include cost, schedule and performance. Identify any subcontracting or partnering opportunities or requirements. The proposed effort would be to build upon the current EWPMT to support user’s requirements and transition to sustainment. No new software is expected to replace the existing software. Describe how long would the vendor require to study the TDP (Should the Government provide the TDP as GFI and GFP) before a proposal could be developed and the vendor can start development and support transition to sustainment command.
e) Clearly identify any approaches to meeting the above capabilities in which the Government would receive less than Government Purpose Rights (GPR). Identify any techniques, capabilities, algorithms, or other approaches that were developed solely by the vendor as proprietary data or internal research and development (IRAD).
f) Demonstrate the ability to provide staff cleared up to the TS/SCI level. Show evidence that the vendor has a facility clearance of up to Top Secret and safeguarding capabilities to a minimum of Secret. Provide evidence that the vendor has access to a SIPR terminal, with the ability to send and receive Secret classified emails and files. Provide evidence that the vendor has the ability to test ATO approved software on an enterprise or tactical SIPR network.
Interested parties are requested to respond to this RFI in Microsoft Word Office compatible format. Responses shall be written using a 10 point font size or larger. This RFI is for planning purposes and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that a procurement action will be issued. No entitlement to payment by the Government of direct or indirect cost or charges will arise as a result of the submission of a company's or corporation's information.
The Government shall not be liable for or suffer any consequential damage for any improperly identified proprietary information. Proprietary information will be safeguarded in accordance with the applicable Government regulations and requirements. The Government does not guarantee that this RFI will result in a Request for Proposal (RFP) or contract award. The Government will not provide reimbursement for any costs incurred by vendors who respond to this RFI.
All questions and responses relating to this notice shall be sent via email to the below with the Subject, (EWPMT RFI - "Your Company Name")
Mr. Oral Grant (oral.g.grant.civ@mail.mil), Contracting Officer
Ms. Amber Lowe (amber.m.lowe3.civ@mail.mil), Contract Specialist.
In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation PART 10.001, the results of this Market Survey will primarily be used to develop the Government's acquisition approach, and will be used determine if sources capable for satisfying the agency's requirements exist. This is NOT a request for proposal and does not constitute any obligation by the Government to award a contract based on the findings from the survey. The Government will not reimburse interested sources or respondents to notice, or any follow-on notice, for any costs incurred in association with this announcement or for subsequent exchange of information. All requests for further information must be in writing and via email; telephonic requests for additional information will not be honored.
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