Eritrea-Asmara: EDF — Supply, installation and commissioning of solar PV generation system for the Areza Maidma solar PV mini-grid project has been closed on 24 Sep 2016. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the The Government of the State of Eritrea
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
Location: Eritrea
The Government of the State of Eritrea
Electronics & Electrical
08 Feb 2016
24 Sep 2016
Not available
Corrigendum No 1 to the contract notice
Publication ref.: EuropeAid/138027/IH/SUP/ER
Location: Eritrea
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 5.7.2016, 2016/S 127-227359)
The Government of the State of Eritrea, represented by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Asmara, ERITREA.
Instead of
19. Deadline for submission of tenders:
2.10.2016 (23:59).
20. Tender opening session:
2.10.2016 (23:59).
Read19. Deadline for submission of tenders:
Deadline for submission of tenders will be 24.9.2016 (17:00).
20. Tender opening session:
Tender opening session will be held on 26.9.2016 (10:00) at the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MoEM).
All other terms and conditions of the contract notice remain unchanged. The above alterations and/or corrections to the contract notice are an integral part of the contract notice.
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