21.Selection criteria:
The following selection criteria will apply to tenderers. Where applications are from a consortium, these criteria will apply to the consortium as a whole, unless stated otherwise. The selection criteria will apply neither to natural persons nor single-member companies working as subcontractors.
1) Candidate's economic and financial capacity (based on section 3 of the application form). Where the tenderer is a public body, equivalent information must be provided. The reference period that will be taken into account will be the past 3 financial years for which closed accounts are available:
1. The candidate's average annual turnover (from 2013 to 2015) must exceed the maximum annual budget of the contract, i.e. the maximum budget stated in the contract notice divided by the initial contract duration in years, where this exceeds 1 year (the required minimum annual turnover cannot be more than twice the estimated annual contract value, except in cases that are duly substantiated in the invitation to tender dossier).
2. Average figures for cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of 2014, 2015 and 2016 must have been positive.
2) Candidate's professional capacity (based on sections 4 and 5 of the application form). The reference period that will be taken into account will be the 3 years prior to the submission deadline (2014, 2015 and 2016):
(a) at least 10 employees must have worked for the candidate in 2015 and 2016 in fields related to this contract; and
(b) at least 15 % of the staff working this year (2017) for the candidate in fields related to this contract must be permanent employees.
3) Candidate's technical capacity (based on sections 5 and 6 of the application form). The reference period that will be taken into account will be the 5 years prior to the submission deadline:
(a) the candidate must have worked satisfactorily on at least 2 contracts with a budget at least equal to that of this contract. Said contracts must have lasted at least 24 months, have been in fields related to this contract and completed in the 5 years prior to the deadline for submission of applications; and
(b) in the 5 years prior to the deadline for submission of applications, the candidate must have successfully completed at least 2 service contracts in the fields of this contract (devising and implementing communication strategies, advising international/multilateral or bilateral bodies and similar or related ones) in Central America, and the percentage carried out must have been at least 50 %.
Prior experience involving a breach of contract and termination thereof by the contracting authority cannot be used as a reference.
An economic operator may, where appropriate and for a particular contract, rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links which it has therewith. In such an event, it must provide the contracting authority with evidence that the resources needed for performance of the contract are available to it, for example, by submitting an agreement from such entities to place said resources at its disposal. Such entities, e.g. the parent company of the economic operator, must respect the same eligibility rules, particularly those regarding nationality, and fulfil the same selection criteria as the economic operator. With regard to the technical and professional criteria, economic operators may only rely on the capacities of other entities if the latter will carry out the works or provide the services for which these capacities are necessary. With regard to the economic and financial criteria, the entities on whose capacities the tenderer will rely shall become jointly and severally liable for contract performance.
If more than 8 candidates prove to be eligible, i.e. meet all the aforementioned selection criteria, the respective strengths and weaknesses of their applications will be re-examined in order to select the 8 most suitable candidates. Only the following factors will be considered in this re-examination:
1. the highest number of projects under criterion 3(a).
If, after applying factor 1 – 'Highest number of projects under criterion 3(a)' – more than 8 candidates still remain, factor 2 will be applied in order to reduce the list to a maximum of 8:
2. the highest number of projects under criterion 3(b).