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Individual Consultant – Project Manager- Climate Security Project ( National) Consulting Individual Consultant – Project Manager- Climate Security Project ( National)
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Individual Consultant – Project Manager- Climate Security Project ( National)

Individual Consultant – Project Manager- Climate Security Project ( National) has been closed on 20 May 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

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United Nations Development Programme







04 May 2022


20 May 2022


Not available


Individual Consultant – Project Manager- Climate Security Project ( National)
Procurement Process :IC - Individual contractor
Office :UNDP Pacific office- Fiji - FIJI
Deadline :20-May-22
Posted on :04-May-22
Reference Number :90787
Link to Atlas Project :
00121078 - Climate Security in the Pacific
Documents :
Annex I _ GTC
Annex II Financial Proposal
Overview :



Although climate change is cited as the most significant security threat to the South Pacific, its likely effects on security and potential conflict are yet to be widely explored by the international and regional organizations present on the ground. Climate change in the Pacific region has the potential for a myriad of cascading fragility and instability risks. These will affect men, women and youth differently, and vary across the region both according to timeframes under consideration and depending on the country contexts.


There is a range of critical climate fragility risks emerging in the Pacific Region that will require greater examination, monitoring and coordinated action by many stakeholders at all levels Of which the most critical issues are:

  • Displacement and forced migration.
  • Increased social tensions.
  • A decrease in national revenues.
  • Challenges to the Blue Economy.
  • The decline in health and productivity.
  • Reduced coping capacity and vulnerability of at-risk populations.
  • Impacts of sea-level rise on the jurisdictions of Pacific SIDS.

The Climate Security in the Pacific project responds to these issues by providing capacity to Pacific Countries, focusing on low lying Atoll nations, to assess, understand and address their critical climate security challenges.  The Project will add value through key regional frameworks and initiatives such as the Boe Declaration and Action Plan. The Project is designed as a catalytic intervention to strengthen capacity for global advocacy and capacity to plan and respond to challenges at the community, national and regional level in Pacific SIDS.


The project is being implemented by the UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji under the UNDP Direct Implementation Modality (DIM) and is part of the Resilient and Sustainable Development (RSD) unit.  Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Team Leader – RSD, the Project Manager directly supports the effective implementation and management of the “Climate Security” project.






Scope of Work


Undertake Efficient and effective day-to-day planning, management implementation and monitoring of all project activities and associated results:

  • Supervise project implementation, finance, logistical, and administrative arrangements, and project related procurement and HR procedures.
  • Oversee and review as needed the project work plan, and budget, for approval by the Project Board, and update it on a quarterly basis, if necessary.
  • Responsible to undertake pro-active day-to-day management of project, including coordination, and implementation of the project activities.
  • Coordinate technical inputs in support to planned project activities in consultation with the UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji RSD Management, project team as well as the relevant Government entities.
  • Prepare terms of reference (TOR) for services to be provided, prepare technical specifications for the goods to be acquired, and prepare Statement of Works (SOW) for civil works to be undertaken by individual consultants and/or commercial enterprises to be contracted by the project, for further review by the UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji RSD Management.
  • Coordinate activities and manage technical, logistical, and administrative processes to ensure the achievement of project outputs.
  • Support tender committees for the procurement of services/goods /civil works, ensuring the compliance of documentation with the TOR/technical specifications/SOW and project objectives.
  • Provide technical advice to relevant project stakeholders to perform tasks related to project activities efficiently and effectively.
  • Provide advice and direction on strategic and policy issues to strengthen gender and social inclusion (GESI) initiatives in the project, including work plans and project implementation strategy, and facilitate the creation of an environment to address GESI issues through the project’s activities.
  • Manage communications and ensure relevant stakeholders are aware of project activities and progress.
  • Prepare a proposal for the transfer of goods/civil works acquired/undertaken with the project resources (including issues of sustainability and post project requirements such as maintenance and replacement).
  • Undertake project activities in line with existing UNDP rules and regulations, including related to financial, procurement and administrative aspects, and, at the same time, observing the project timelines; and,
  • Undertake other duties as assigned by the UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji –RSD Management.

Undertake day-to-day monitoring and reporting of project activities in close collaboration with project partners and stakeholder:

  • Manage and monitor on a day-to-day basis the project team, including timely implementation, results –orientation and accountability for project results.
  • Prepare or provide, inputs to, regular reports (bi-annual and annual), and ensure timely submission of the reports to the relevant entities, such as the donor.
  • Monitor and report project progress on as per the project results framework and associated performance indicators and take appropriate action.
  • Inform the – UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji RSD Management of any possible deviations from the project plan(s) and advice on possible corrective action.
  • As delegated by the – UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji RSD Management, monitor and evaluate performance of service providers and other contractors.
  • Oversee the logistical arrangements for the project management team.
  • Make field visits (if possible), including collaborate with local counterparts and/or facilitate arrangements for joint monitoring visits to project sites as per the requirement of the project; and,
  • Monitor project risks and support the development of mitigation measures thereof, relaying information to UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji RSD Management.

Align project activities with UNDP priorities:

  • Ensure the principles of gender equality, social inclusion and disaster resilience (especially pertaining to Water and Food Security) are effectively reflected in all relevant project activities.
  • Ensure that gender equality is pursued in all relevant project activities, including reflected in work plans, budgets, reports, research, and assessments.
  • Ensure that accessibility for persons with disabilities is reflected, as appropriate.
  • Consult regularly with other relevant UNDP projects on related activities where synergies are possible.
  • Strive to engage groups and communities in project activities that affect them; and,
  • Communicate project goals and activities clearly to both stakeholders and the wider public.

Support implementation of project visibility and knowledge management activities:

  • Contribute to the systematic capacity building of the project team and relevant counterparts through introduction of best practices and facilitate their application to project implementation.
  • Capture and disseminate lessons learnt during project implementation.
  • Regularly engage with and support knowledge management activities of the Climate Security Mechanism established at UN HQ in New York.
  • Actively engage and promote teamwork, information sharing and collaboration within the project team and between relevant project-partners. 
  • Provide substantive inputs to presentations, visibility activities, advocacy, and other project-related materials, etc.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables



Delivery Number

Due Date

Deliverable to Be Verified By:

Deliverable 1:

  • Final Climate Security Assessment Workshop and associated Reports.
  • Agenda, and Final Report of Mediation Training.
  • Report on Status of Pilot Initiatives.
  • Provision of concept notes for consideration from development partners/ Partners for potential second phase of project (and or upscaling of activities).



Team Leader-Resilience and Sustainable Development Team.

Deliverable 2: 

  • Final Reports on Embedding Climate Security policies and budgets.
  • Final Report of Development Partners Dialogue.







Team Leader-Resilience and Sustainable Development Team.

Deliverable 3:

  • Final Evaluation Report.
  • Final Project Board meeting (1st week of December).



12thDecember 2022

Team Leader-Resilience and Sustainable Development Team.

Deliverable 4:

  • Final Project Board Meeting Minutes.
  • Draft End of Project Report to Donor to be submitted to RSD Management

Team Leader-Resilience and Sustainable Development Team.

Deliverable 5:

  • End of Project Report to Donor and Financial Closure of Project.

15th February, 2023

Team Leader-Resilience and Sustainable Development Team.








Institutional Arrangement


Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Team Leader – RSD and the Deputy Team Leader -RSD, the Project Manager directly supports the effective implementation and management of the “Climate Security in the Pacific” project based out of UNDP Pacific Office in Suva Fiji.


The consultant will be allocated a desk at the UNDP Pacific Office in Suva Fiji and is expected to have access to his/her own IT equipment.


Any travel outside duty station (if needed) would be organized and funded by the project / UNDP.



Duration of the Work


The consultant is expected to work 5 days a week for a duration of 7 months effective 01st August 2022 to 20th Feb 2023.


Duty Station

The consultant is required to work from the UNDP Pacific Office based in Suva, Fiji for the duration of the assignment and is expected to be online during the UNDP official business hours.





  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities skills;
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
  • Ability to plan, organize, implement and report on work;
  • Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines;
  • Proficiency in the use of office IT applications and internet in conducting research;
  • Outstanding communication, project management and organizational skills;
  • Excellent presentation and facilitation skills.
  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards;
  • Positive, constructive attitude to work;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.



Educational Qualifications:

Master´s Degree in Management, Environmental Science, Climate Change, Conflict Prevention, Science or other similar fields


  • Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience
  • Experience in an international setting with the UN or with another international organizations an asset
  • Previous experience with the implementation and management of projects funded by the International Development Partners, UN PBF and/or GCF or other environmental vertical funds (e.g., the Global Environment Facility) is an asset
  • Some years’ experience with climate security, conflict prevention and resilience and/or environmental management
  • Demonstrated experience in Project Management .


Language requirements

  • Fluency of English language is required.
  • Knowledge of an additional UN language would be an asset.


Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments


Consultant must send a financial proposal based on…


…Lump Sum Amount. The total amount quoted shall be all-inclusive and include all costs components required to perform the deliverables identified in the TOR, including professional fee, travel costs, living allowance (if any work is to be done outside the IC´s duty station) and any other applicable cost to be incurred by the IC in completing the assignment. The contract price will be fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration. Payments will be done upon completion of the deliverables/outputs and as per below percentages:






Delivery Number

Due Date

% of Payment

Deliverable 1:

  • Final Climate Security Assessment Workshop and associated Reports.
  • Agenda, and Final Report of Mediation Training.
  • Report on Status of Pilot Initiatives.
  • Provision of concept notes for consideration from development partners/ Partners for potential second phase of project (and or upscaling of activities).


20 September 2022


Deliverable 2: 

  • Final Reports on Embedding Climate Security policies and budgets.
  • Final Report of Development Partners Dialogue.

20 November 2022








Deliverable 3:

  • Final Evaluation Report.
  • Final Project Board meeting (1st week of December).



12thDecember 2022


Deliverable 4:

  • Final Project Board Meeting Minutes.
  • Draft End of Project Report to Donor to be submitted to RSD Management

20 January 2023


Deliverable 5:

  • End of Project Report to Donor and Financial Closure of Project.

15th February, 2023






In the event of unforeseeable travel not anticipated in this TOR, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and the Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.

Evaluation Method and Criteria

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology…


…. Cumulative analysis

The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as a) responsive/compliant/acceptable; and b) having received the highest score out of set of weighted technical criteria (70%). and financial criteria (30%). Financial score shall be computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal received by UNDP for the assignment.

Technical Criteria for Evaluation (Maximum 70 points)


  • Criteria 1:  Masters Level Education in relevant field – 15 points
  • Criteria 2:  Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience - 20 Points
  • Criteria 3: Experience in an international setting with the UN or with another international organizations an asset -5 points
  • Criteria 4: Previous experience with the implementation and management of projects funded by the International Development Partners, UN PBF and/or GCF or other environmental vertical funds (e.g., the Global Environment Facility) is an asset - 15 points
  • Criteria 5: Some years’ experience with climate security, conflict prevention and resilience and/or environmental management- 5 points
  • Criteria 6: Project Management – 10 Points

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview which will be used to confirm and/or adjust the technical scores awarded based on documentation submitted.

Documentation required

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications. Please group them into one (1) single PDF document as the application only allows to upload maximum one document:

  • Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided in Annex II.
  • Personal CV, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.
  • Technical proposal, including a) a brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment; and b) a methodology, on how they will approach and complete the assignment.
  • Financial proposal, as per template provided in Annex II. Note: National consultants must quote prices in Fijian Dollars (FJD), International consultants must quote in US Dollars (USD).

Note: Successful individual will be required to provide proof of medical insurance coverage before commencement of contract for the duration of the assignment.

Incomplete and joint proposals may not be considered. Consultants with whom there is further interest will be contacted. The successful consultant shall opt to sign an Individual Contract or a Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA) through its company/employer with UNDP.


  • Annex I - Individual IC General Terms and Conditions
  • Annex II – Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability for the Individual IC, including Financial Proposal Template

For any clarification regarding this assignment please write to

Please visit UNDP job site link:UNDP Jobs and find the Job title under Climate & Disaster Resiliance section  to submit your online application.

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