Invitation for participation in the competitive bidding: "Purchase and delivery of digital video endoscopes" has been closed on 21 Feb 2018. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
Location: Kazakhstan
United Nations Development Programme
Machinery & Equipment
Pharmaceutical & Medical
02 Feb 2018
21 Feb 2018
Not available
Meruyert Bolyssayeva
+7 7172696550
The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) on behalf of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the frames of the component «Countering the illegal trafficking of Afghan opiates via Northern route through enhancement of capacity of major border crossing points (BCPs) and establishment of border liaison offices (BLOs) ” under UNODC Regional Programme for Central-Asian States is extending a competitive bidding "Purchase and delivery of digital video endoscopes to the Republic of Kazakhstan, c. Astana, 010000, 14 Azerbaijan Mambetov street, UN House for the further transfer to the end user: Border Service under National security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The tender documents (Request for quotations) is attached.
Please note that the partial proposal for the LOTs, specified in the Request for quotations, is not permitted.
Quotation submission procedure: all quotations shall be submitted in hardcopies and electronic format (USB card) in a sealed envelope via mail courier to the below indicated post address: United Nations Development Program, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, c. Astana, 14 Azerbaijan Mambetov street, Meruyert Bolyssayeva, Procurement Department Assistant, Title of bid: Purchase and delivery of digital video endoscopes.
For any technical questions on this tender (in written form only), please, contact Ms. Saule Issabekova, National project officer by email:
Deadline for applications: not later than 21 February 2018, 18.00 p.m. Astana time.
Proposals should be duly signed and stamped. Late quotations will be disqualified automatically.
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