LRPS - 9168938 - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database. has been closed on 02 Sep 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Capital Development Fund
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
Location: Costa Rica, Eritrea, Cambodia, Turkey, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Cyprus, Samoa, Slovenia, Cayman Islands and other 168 countries
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Defence & Security
Transport & Logistics
Finance & Insurance
Paper, Wood & Furniture
Energy & Utilities
Information Technology
11 Aug 2021
02 Sep 2021
Not available
Procurement Unit JCO
Dear Respected Bidders,
we are pleased to invite you to participate on our Request for Proposals LRPS - 9168938 - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database. You are kindly requested to submit your best proposal “Technical & Financial” to JORDANBIDS@UNICEF.ORG ONLY no later than 11:59AM Amman Time on 2 September 2021, otherwise it will be considered as not valid.
Supporting Documents
1) UNICEF Request for Proposal no. LRPS - 9168938 - Market survey - Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database
2) Annex B: TOR for Market Survey
3) Annex C: Pricing Schedules
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