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National consultant for capacity building and provision of business advisory support to Community beneficiaries of the RFF Consulting National consultant for capacity building and provision of business advisory support to Community beneficiaries of the RFF
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National consultant for capacity building and provision of business advisory support to Community beneficiaries of the RFF

National consultant for capacity building and provision of business advisory support to Community beneficiaries of the RFF has been closed on 04 May 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Gambia

General information


United Nations Development Programme







20 Apr 2022


04 May 2022


Not available


National consultant for capacity building and provision of business advisory support to Community beneficiaries of the RFF
Procurement Process :IC - Individual contractor
Office :Gambia - GAMBIA
Deadline :04-May-22
Posted on :20-Apr-22
Reference Number :90357
Link to Atlas Project :
Non-UNDP Project
Documents :
Overview :

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), through the Rapid Financing Facility (RFF) is implementing the Economic and Social Vulnerability project to mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19. The project seeks to reduce economic and social vulnerability of the poor and marginalized populations affected by COVID-19 through green and eco-friendly community livelihood interventions, and through use of digital
solutions to promote financial and socio-economic inclusion. It will provide alternative livelihoods; prioritizing green economic pathways to mitigate environmental degradation, including socio-economic empowerment of youth, women, and other vulnerable populations to build beneficiaries’ resilience to cope with and mitigate the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the population.

Leveraging the opportunities offered by digitization as a tool with special focus on green development pathways and the youth, the project will promote nature based sustainable tourism as a means of economic empowerment to improve and sustain livelihoods and resilience for rural communities particularly women and the youth. Hopefully, the foundational enablers built by the project outputs will contribute to the deployment of a national social protection scheme in the country that will address the needs of rural dwellers and in particular informal sector workers. The project has three components which are briefly described below:

Social Protection, Sustainable /Green Livelihoods and Digitization.

It is against this background that UNDP Gambia is hiring an independent consultant to undertake training/capacity building for community institutions in the RFF beneficiary communities in Daru Fodeba in Jokadu, Salikene and Bureng Ya in Badibou, Wurokang and Kwinella in Jarra Central, Korop, Kesser Kunda, Bukary Kunda and Boraba in Fulladou.

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Email subject: Capacity Building for RFF

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