North Macedonia-Skopje: Electricity has been closed on 05 Dec 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the Supply of electricity for the needs of the Municipality of Kisela Voda (06322/2022)
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Location: Macedonia
Supply of electricity for the needs of the Municipality of Kisela Voda (06322/2022)
Electronics & Electrical
20 Apr 2022
05 Dec 2022
Not available
Borche Lazarevski
+389 22785417
+389 23251251
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Section II: Object
Supply of electricity for the needs of the Municipality of Kisela Voda
Detailed in tender documentation
Supply of electricity for the needs of the Municipality of Kisela Voda
Detailed in Tender documentation
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
The contracting authority shall exclude from the procedure for awarding a public contract every
economic operator:
- That in the last 5 years has been rendered a final decision for participation in a criminal organization,corruption, fraud or money laundering;
- Who has been given a supporting ban on participation in procedures for public announcement, the award of public supply contracts and public private partnership;
- Who has a minor penalty imposed temporary or permanent prohibition of certain activities;
- Who is in the process of bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings;
- Who has unpaid taxes and other taxes;
- Who has been given sanction - prohibition of professional activity or duty, and temporary prohibition for performing certain activities and
- Who gives false information or fails to submit the data requested by the contracting authority.In order to prove his personal situation, the economic operator shall submit the following documents:
- Statement of the economic operator that in the last 5 years he was pronounced verdict for participation in a criminal organization, corruption, fraud or money laundering;
- Confirmation that there is no bankruptcy proceedings by the competent authority;
- Confirmation that there is no procedure for liquidation by a competent authority;
Certificate for paid taxes and other public duties by the competent authority in the country where the economic
operator is established;
- A certificate from the Register of penalties for crimes committed by legal entities that has been imposed minor
penalty ban on participation in procedures for public announcement, the award of public supply contracts and
public-private partnership,
- A certificate from the Register of penalties for crimes committed by legal entities that has been imposed minor
penalty temporary or permanent prohibition of certain activities and
- Confirmation that the final sentence has been imposed sanction - prohibition of professional activity or duty,and
temporary prohibition for performing certain activities.
- Document for registered professional activity- DRA form issued by the Central Register of RM
- The economic operator is obliged to submit a valid License for performing energy activity electricity supply issued by the Regulatory Commission for Energy and Water Services of the Republic of North Macedonia,
- EIC code, issued by AD MEPSO for electricity supply,
- if the bidder is BOS (Balancing Responsible Party), it should submit a Balancing Liability Agreement
- if the bidder is part of BG (Balancing Group), it should submit a Balance Liability Agreement from the Balancing Responsible Party and a document for assuming a balancing responsibility by the Balancing Responsible Party for the bidder,
-Agreement that it is registered as a participant in the electricity market in accordance with the Electricity Market Rules.
Section IV: Procedure
Bids who will be accepted, will be invited to participate in the auction
The public opening will be held on the following web site:
and at the following location Municipality of Kisela Voda, street Petar Deljan no.17,1000 Skopje
Any person authorized by the economic operator
Section VI: Complementary information ;
Detailed in tender documentation
Any economic operator that has a legal interest to win the public procurement contract and that suffered or could have suffered damages related to potential breach of the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement,may seek legal protection against the decisions, actions, or failure to undertake actions on the part of the contracting authority in a procedure for awarding a public procurement contract.The complaint shall be submitted within ten days.
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