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Poland-Warsaw: Legal advisory services

Ministerstwo Rozwoju has announced a winner on 01 Jan 1970 for the following project: Poland-Warsaw: Legal advisory services.

The amount allocated for this project has not been disclosed. During this time, the company will be responsible to fulfill its obligations, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Anyone who wish to appeal this decision can contact Ministerstwo Rozwoju

Bellow, you can find more information about the project:

Location: Poland

General information


Ministerstwo Rozwoju




Contract award



23 Sep 2016


Not available


Not available



Contract award notice


Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)

Official name: Ministerstwo Rozwoju
Postal address: pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5
Town: Warszawa
Postal code: 00-507
Country: Poland
Fax: +48 222738922

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority:

Section II: Object of the contract

II.1.5)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)

79111000 Legal advisory services

Legal advisory services.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: Świadczenie usług doradztwa prawnego (część A, B) Lot No: 1
V.3)Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Official name: Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Ćwik i Partnerzy Sp.p.
Postal address: Al. Szucha 8
Town: Warszawa
Postal code: 00-582

V.4)Information on value of contract
Initial estimated total value of the contract:
Value: 161 875 PLN
Excluding VAT
Total final value of the contract:
Value: 53 812,50 PLN
Including VAT. VAT rate (%) 23
Contract No: Świadczenie usług doradztwa prawnego (część A, B) Lot No: 2
V.3)Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Official name: Grupa Doradcza Sienna Sp. z o.o.
Postal address: ul. Bagatela 10/5
Town: Warszawa
Postal code: 00-585

V.4)Information on value of contract
Initial estimated total value of the contract:
Value: 120 400 PLN
Excluding VAT
Total final value of the contract:
Value: 105 000 PLN
Including VAT. VAT rate (%) 23

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