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Product Development – package 2 (outdoor & museums)
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Product Development – package 2 (outdoor & museums)

Product Development – package 2 (outdoor & museums) has been closed on 14 Jul 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the World Bank

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Location: Albania

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World Bank







24 Jun 2021


14 Jul 2021


Not available



{"Astrit Alikaj"}



REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI)   (CONSULTING SERVICES)   Albania Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB. Project ID Number: P155875 Issuing date: June 23, 2021   Assignment Title: Consultant Service for: “ Product Development – package 2 (outdoor & museums)”   Reference No.          REF No: AL-ADF-235051-CS-QCBS   The Government of Albania has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include: “ Product Development – package 2 (outdoor & museums); REF No: AL-ADF-235051-CS-QCBS. The overall objective of this consultancy is appraising the existing capacities and design strategies that are implementable.   Specific tasks and indicative level of effort are as following:        PHASE A: “Design services”   During “Phase A” the consultant will be carried out the following Tasks and activities:   Task 1: Inception phase: The primary goals of the Inception phase are to preliminary analytical processes related to the project preparation as well as to confirm the project approach, objectives, time plan and other key project components with relevant project beneficiaries   Task 2: Prioritize the tourism products based on a methodology to be prepared by the Consultant.   Task 3: Define clear business, financing & management model for each of selected Tourism Products.  After the approval of the list of the tourism products to be financed under PIUTD by the Client, the Consultant should advance in preparing the business plan for each tourism product. Task 4:  Develop Preliminary Concept Design projects, Preliminary Estimates.  The Consultant shall develop preliminary conceptual design projects for each of the tourism products, including as needed.   Task 5:  Detailed Project; Based on the agreed-upon preliminary project designs and project activities, for the selected investments projects selected under Task 5 by the Client, the Consultant shall develop.   Task 6:  Event and Event Calendar design Event design & prioritization and Event planning.   PHASE B: “Supervision services”   Activity 1. Inception Phase: During the Inception Period the Consultant shall become familiar with all aspects of the project, works contract and project’s environment, review the present Terms of Reference and all volumes of the Works contracts   Activity 2. Construction Phase: The Consultant shall administer the contract and supervise the construction works, i.e. carry out duties of the Supervisor in accordance with the Special and General Conditions for Works Contract of the projects funded under WB.   Activity 3. Defects: Liability Period: During and after the Defects Liability Period the Consultant shall carry out the following duties:   3.1 Provide quarterly inspections reports during the 12 months of Defects Liability Period.   3.2 Undertake the Final inspection at the end of DLP and issue the Final Acceptance Certificate   3.3 Deliverables: Final completion   PHASE C: Event Implementation & management   In the event implementation and management phase, the Consultant will perform activities such as:   Event implementation, as per the events calendars approved. At least 1 event per each tourism product developed is expected. Promotion of the event through online and offline channels, as per marketing/communication plan agreed. The consultant will have to closely collaborate with the “marketing consultancy”. Building capacity and systems within the municipality (or the institution/organization that is in charge of the management of the tourism product) to deliver events consistently. As part of the building capacity the Consultant must prepare a manual with guidelines and procedures of event implementation, to be used in the future for event implementation by the beneficiary. Result monitoring, with focus on the KPI’s. Prepare an economic impact study/report on the quantitative and qualitative effects of the event on the destination.   Albanian Development Fund (ADF) now invites eligible consultants (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (Summary of relevant experience of the firm, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, CV for the key personnel, letters of recommendation, etc.). The consultant will be a consultant company with international experience in event planning and development, which can be organized also in a Joint Venture, and shall fulfil the below mentioned requirements:     Overall experience in described field of assignment (Design, Supervision, product development and event implementation) in last 10 (ten) years.   At least 4 tourism product development projects similar to the below mention category:   Zipline system Adrenaline park Themed playing zones for kids Trails signage Tourism valorization master plan for castle areas Augmented reality Food and crafts Beaches systematization and categorization/Family beach Base Camp and boot camp   Experience in event promotion for the target markets in the ToRs.   Previous experience in region.   The short-listing criteria are:   No. Evaluation Criterion Points 1. Overall experience of the firm in the field of the assignment (last 10 years) 30 points 2. Relevant Specific Experience in the field of the assignment and number of assignments similar to ToR’s successfully completed 55 points 3. Previous experience in region 5 points 4. Availability of staff within the firm to perform the assignment 10 points TOTAL 100 points   Design Phase key staff;   A multi-disciplinary team of 10 key staff professional and technical personal will be required for the execution of the project. The Consultant Team should be led for the full term of the project by a Principal Tourism Product Development Expert as the Team Leader with international experience in developing similar projects to the scope of this consultancy and background in cultural and natural tourism product development and Project Management.   The key team composition for the Design services shall be as below:   Team Leader Tourism Expert Event Organizer Architect/Urban Designer Civil Engineer Designer Business Plan Expert Marketing Expert Topographic Engineer Environmental and Social Specialist       Supervision phase key staff:   The Consultant shall provide an experienced construction supervision and contract administration team of 6 key staff with proven technical and managerial competence and experience in the supervision of construction works under World Bank Conditions of Contractor, Albanian Legislation and internationally recognized contract conditions used by IFI's.   The key team composition for the supervision services shall be as below:   Team Leader Site Supervision Engineer Material Environmental and Social Specialist Architect/Urban Designer Designer Short- term expert international   Event Implementation & management key staff:   A multi-disciplinary team of 4 key staff professional and technical personal will be required for the implementation and management of the project.  The Consultant Team should be led during this phase by the Tourism Product Development Expert as the Team Leader with international experience in developing similar projects to the scope of this consultancy and background in cultural and natural tourism product development and Project Management. A n Event Organizer, Designer and marketing expert should be mobilized fully for the duration of the consultancy to serve as local liaison   The key team for event implementation & management shall be as below:   Team Leader Event Organizer Designer Marketing Expert   The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011, revised July 2014), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.    The Consultant should be a Firm. The selection method to be applied is Selection Based on Quality and Cost Base Selection (QCBS), in accordance with the procedures set out the World Bank’s.   Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers ” (January 2011, revised July 2014).   Design Services should be performed within 12 months period, and the level of inputs required is 65 man/months. The firm will be contracted for the design phase under a lump sum contract.   Supervision Services should be performed within 8 months period, and the level of inputs required is 33 man/months. The firm will be contracted for the supervision phase under a time base contract.       The terms and conditions of payment mirror the implementation schedule of the assignment for the supervision services and are time basis. A 5 % of the total amount of the contract for supervision assignment will be paid in the end the defect liability of the last contract.   Event Implementation & management phase should be performed within 4 months period, and the level of inputs required is 16 man/months. The firm will be contracted for this phase under a time base contract   Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 08:00 to 16:30 (Monday to Thursday) and 08:00 to 14:00 on Friday.   Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by July 14, 2021, no later than 13:00 hrs.   For more information interested consultants can have access to Terms of References in ADF’s web page.    Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Address:  Rruga:” Sami Frashëri”, Nr. 10, Tirana Tel/Fax: +355 4 2235 597/8; +355 4 2234 885 Att: Mr. Astrit Alikaj Att: Mr. Artur Zaja E-mail: aalikaj E-mail: azaja Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Albania Not cancelled QCBS- Quality And Cost-Based Selection Request for Expression of Interest Consulting Services- Firm Wednesday, July 14, 2021- 13:00 WB-P768996-06/21 IBRD86560 AL-ADF-235051-CS-QCBS P155875 Tourism General- Rural and Urban Development Thursday, June 24, 2021 OP00134846 English Thursday, June 24, 2021- 11:13 Albanian Development Fund Astrit Alikaj Rr. Sami Frasheri, No. 10, Tirana +355682063263 [email protected] Waste Management, Tourism, Urban Transport, Sub-National Government World Bank Tuesday, June 22, 2021- 20:00 IBRD/IDA Loans (PE) Albanian Development Fund USD 694180.00 Product Development – package 2 (outdoor & museums) Project Manager proc_voc_id: 83121602 proc_voc_title: Tourism board services seg_id: 83000000 seg_title: Public Utilities and Public Sector Related Services family_id: 83120000 family_title: Information services class_id: 83121600 class_title: Information centers cmdty_id: 83121602 cmdty_title: Tourism board services

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