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Provision of Trainings for the staff of Field Veterinary Units for the establishment of a private veterinary sector in the country Technical start-up training Phase II Education & Training Provision of Trainings for the staff of Field Veterinary Units for the establishment of a private veterinary sector in the country Technical start-up training Phase II
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Provision of Trainings for the staff of Field Veterinary Units for the establishment of a private veterinary sector in the country Technical start-up training Phase II

Provision of Trainings for the staff of Field Veterinary Units for the establishment of a private veterinary sector in the country Technical start-up training Phase II has been closed on 19 May 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the World Bank

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Location: Azerbaijan

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World Bank


Education & Training





07 May 2021


19 May 2021


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{"Anar Azimov"}



REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Azerbaijan Republic Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project Loan No.8286-AZ Date: 05.05.2021 Assignment Title: Trainings for the staff of Field Veterinary Units for the establishment of a private veterinary sector in the country Reference No. AZ-AACD-218754-CS-CQS/A3/CS-5/2      The Government of Azerbaijan has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The project consists of four components: Component A – Support for sanitary and phytosanitary services, which is structured into three subcomponents: support: (i) Food Safety Capacity Building; (ii) Upgrading Plant Health and Phytosanitary System, and (iii) Animal Health and Veterinary Services. Component B- Agri-food value chain development. The activities will be structured into two sub-components: (i) Investment and advisory support for agribusiness value chain development, and (ii) Seed sector development. Component C – Financial services to agribusiness. Component D- Project Management. Under the Component A3- Animal Health and Veterinary Services- (a) further enhance access to quality-assured veterinary services by supporting privatization of filed veterinary units; (b) further strengthen the disease surveillance and preparedness functions of the Veterinary Services  through investments aimed at optimizing the efficiency of animal disease control program in accordance with OIE recommendations; (c) further development of a national veterinary information system; and (d) support for veterinary education. Privatization of Field Veterinary Units (FVU) of Animal Health and Veterinary Service Regulation Department of Agrarian Services Agency One of the main activities of the "Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project" implemented by the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan together with the World Bank is to support to privatizations process. As per consideration, the private veterinarians will be trained within the framework of the ACIP. The Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project now invites eligible Consulting Companies to indicate their interest in providing the training services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.   The general objective of the assignment                                              (i) Design the training program and prepare training materials[1] for Field Veterinary Units (FVUs) of the Animal Health and Veterinary Services Regulation Department of the ASA; and (ii) provision of a training program. Scope of services and work methodology The trainings will be carried out in the premises of the Rayon Veterinary Offices of the State Agrarian Development Centers in the nine zones. The Agrarian Services Agency will provide training space on a free basis. The training program will have the following two components: Component 1: In order to increase their knowledge and skills, FVU staff should be familiar with new methods of combating commonly diagnosed diseases in the country. Component 2: Provide that managers and accountants of field veterinary units have necessary knowledge (tax payment and reporting, SSPF payment and reporting, contract signing, activity report, etc.) for FVU staff in order to engage in business and entrepreneurial activities during the transition to privizatization. The training program includes the followings: Diagnosis and treatment of farm animals, clinical practice, including control and prevention for special diseases and infectious diseases Methods of control of parasitic and non-infectious internal diseases Animal gynecological and surgical procedures; Pharmacology, including application of improved veterinary medications, and registration procedures of  veterinary preparations; Organization of business and entrepreneurial activities for private veterinarians. Location of assignment and participants The Trainings shall be conducted in 52 regions of Azerbaijan. Participants: Field Veterinary Units’ staff – 1312 people Raion Veterinary Offices’ staff-104 people Required input and duration of the assignment The training course will be mandatory for FVU staff and heads and accountants of raion veterinary offices. The training is planned to be conducted for 3 days for each group, provided by 15 trainers. The assignment is considered to be implemented within the 4- 5 months. The task is expected to be implemented in late May-through October 2021. Reporting requirements:  During the implementation of the assignment, the Consultant shall provide Inception, Interim and Final reports. The interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are: The assignment is expected to be performed by the Company, with the relevant experience specific to the assignment and in carrying out activities in the field of business and entrepreneurship. The interested Consultant must propose the trainers with higher education and clinical experience of infectious and non-infectious diseases, experience in animal health, including surgical procedures and pharmacology, as well as business and entrepreneurship activities. The details of requirements can be submitted upon request of interested Applicants. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 edition, revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interests.  A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualifications (CQS)method set out in the Consultant Guidelines. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by May 19, 2021. Agency for Agro Credit and Development under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan/Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project Attn: Mr. Anar Azimov Project Director 1965, Z.Bunyadov avenue, Chinar Park Business Center, AZ1075, Baku, Azerbaijan Tel: (+99 412) 525 01 17 E-mail:;;;; Web:   Further information can be obtained at the address above during office hours 09:00- 18:00. [1] [1] “design and preparation” means updating of the exciting  training materials, already developed for the previous similar training AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Azerbaijan Not cancelled Request for Expression of Interest Consulting Services- Firm Wednesday, May 19, 2021- 18:00 WB-P732076-05/21 IBRD82860 AZ-AACD-218754-CS-CQS/A3/CS-5/2 P122812 Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business General- Education and Training Friday, May 7, 2021 OP00128245 English Friday, May 7, 2021- 11:31 Agency for Agro Credit and Development under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaij Anar Azimov 1965, Z.Bunyadov avenue, Chinar Park Business Center, AZ1075, Baku, Azerbaijan 0125250117 Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business, Public Administration- Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry, Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities, Fisheries, Livestock, Other Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry, Agro-industry, Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities, Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business World Bank Wednesday, May 5, 2021- 20:00 IBRD/IDA Loans (PE) Agency for Agro Credit and Development under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaij USD 100000.00 Provision of Trainings for the staff of Field Veterinary Units for the establishment of a private veterinary sector in the country Technical start-up training Phase II Project Director proc_voc_id: 86132101 proc_voc_title: Training facilitation service seg_id: 86000000 seg_title: Education and Training Services family_id: 86130000 family_title: Specialized educational services class_id: 86132100 class_title: Training planning, facilitation and delivery services cmdty_id: 86132101 cmdty_title: Training facilitation service proc_voc_id2: 86132102 proc_voc_title2: Training planning and development consultancy service seg_id2: 86000000 seg_title2: Education and Training Services family_id2: 86130000 family_title2: Specialized educational services class_id2: 86132100 class_title2: Training planning, facilitation and delivery services cmdty_id2: 86132102 cmdty_title2: Training planning and development consultancy service proc_voc_id3: 86132201 proc_voc_title3: Training workshop service seg_id3: 86000000 seg_title3: Education and Training Services family_id3: 86130000 family_title3: Specialized educational services class_id3: 86132200 class_title3: Educational support services cmdty_id3: 86132201 cmdty_title3: Training workshop service

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