RFI for the SSDBT (F7013-220302/A) has been closed on 30 Jun 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the
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Location: Canada, Colombia, South Africa, United States
Not available
11 May 2022
30 Jun 2022
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Deslauriers(MC Div), Stephane
(819) 420-2899 ( )
Trade Agreement: NONE Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Competitive Procurement Strategy: N/A - P&A/LOI Only Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: 1.0 Objective 1.1 Objective 1.1.1 Canada, as represented by the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), a Special Operating Agency of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), with the assistance of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), intends to consult Industry on a planned procurement for four (4) Special Shallow Draft Buoy Tender (SSDBT) vessels, via this Request for Information (RFI). 1.1.2 The RFI is being released for the following purposes: a. To inform the marine industry about the proposed procurement and the planned design, construction, provisioning and classification requirements for up to four SSDBT vessels. b. To provide Industry with an early opportunity to assess and comment on the proposed ways forward in order to maximize best value to Canada during the formal design and build phases and to solicit feedback and recommendations on any issues or risks that would impact a supplier’s ability to fulfill the requirement. c. To obtain Industry feedback with regard to the planned incorporation of Single System Integrators (SSI) into the design and build elements. d. To solicit from Industry opportunities to introduce technologies and products focused on eliminating or reducing green house gas emissions and making the vessel a more environmentally friendly platform. e. To gauge the feasibility of the proposed Indigenous Participation Component (IPC). f. To gather a rough order of magnitude price for each of the elements of the procurement plan. 2.0 Nature of this Request for Information (RFI) and Consultations 2.1 This RFI and Industry consultations are the initial steps in gauging Industry interest levels regarding the overall project. 2.2 This RFI is neither a call for tender nor a Request for Proposal (RFP) and no agreement or contract will be entered into based on this RFI. The issuance of this RFI is not to be construed in any way as a commitment by Canada nor as an authorization to potential Respondents to undertake any work that could be charged to Canada. This RFI must not to be considered as a commitment to issue a subsequent solicitation or award contract(s) for the requirements described herein. 2.3 Participation in this RFI is encouraged, but is not mandatory. There will be no short-listing of potential firms for the purposes of undertaking any future work as a result of this RFI. Similarly, participation in this RFI is not a condition or prerequisite for the participation in any potential subsequent RFP, or other type of solicitation. 2.4 This consultation will use a Phased approach, as described below: 2.4.1 The first Phase of this consultation will be a 4 Stage Process as follows: Stage 1 - Request for Information Stage 1 will be the submission of responses to the questions included under Annex C, as further detailed in this RFI. Potential respondents that are interested in responding are requested to send responses to the Contracting Authority (stephane.deslauriers@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca) on or before 3 June 2022. Stage 2 - Answering questions received from RFI If Canada receives questions prior to the one-on-one sessions the answers will be published on buyandsell.gc.ca. In order to make sure all questions are answered and posted on time the questions must be sent to the PSPC Contracting Authority on or before 30 May 2022 by email. Stage 3 - One-On-One Meetings with Industry The purpose of the one-on-one meetings between Canada and individual potential Respondents is to hear from ship design companies and mid-sized Canadian shipyards capable of delivering the SSDBT vessels. Sessions are anticipated to be 1 hours in length but this may be adjusted accordingly dependent on response from industry. Respondents that are interested in a one-on-one meeting are requested to send an e-mail confirmation to the Contracting Authority at (stephane.deslauriers@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca) on or before 3 June 2022. Please note that additional information (e.g. time, teleconference, WebEx or MS Team web links information, rules of engagement, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), etc.), will only be released to potential Respondents that have submitted an e-mail confirmation to the Contracting Authority. The e-mail confirmation should include the following information: • Company name and address; • Name and e-mail address of each participant. • 3 preferred sessions between 6 June 2022 and 17 June 2022 (Provide date and a morning or afternoon session preference) Note: Respondents are encouraged to send the responses to the questions in Annex C and feedback on the rest of the Annexes prior to the one-on-one session to the PSPC Contracting Authority (CA). 3.0 Modifications to the RFI Modifications to this RFI may occur and will be advertised on the buyandsell.gc.ca. Canada requests Respondents to visit buyandsell.gc.ca regularly to check for any amendments or updates. 4.0 Response Costs Canada will not reimburse any Respondent for expenses incurred in responding to this RFI. Respondents will have no claim for damages, compensation, loss of profit, or allowance arising out of providing answers and comments to this RFI. 5.0 Treatment of information gathered from the consultation sessions and responses 5.1 Use of Responses: Responses will not be formally evaluated. However, the responses received may be used by Canada to develop or modify procurement strategies or any draft documents contained in this RFI. Canada will review all responses received by the RFI closing date. 5.2 Review Team: A review team composed of representatives of the PSPC, and CCG will form the primary team for the review of responses. Canada reserves the right to hire any independent consultant, or use any Government resources that it considers necessary to review any response. 5.3 Confidentiality: Respondents should mark any portions of their response that they consider proprietary or confidential. Canada will handle the responses in accordance with the Access to Information Act. 5.4 Activity: Canada may, at its discretion, contact any Respondents to follow up with additional questions or for clarification of any aspect of a response. Canada will contact all registered respondents to coordinate meeting times for the industry consultation sessions. Times selected will be on a first come first served basis. Canada will work with respondents to align with availability of key personnel to attend the sessions, as required. The industry consultation sessions may take place as videoconferences or teleconferences, as appropriate given the supplier and Canada’s availability. 6.0 RFI Contents This RFI contains the following attached document(s): • Annex A - Key Capabilities and Constraints • Annex B - Proposed Procurement Strategies and Scenarios • Annex C - Questions for Industry • Annex D - Indigenous Participation Component (IPC) The above documents contain specific questions addressed to Industry. Responses to any and all of these questions are welcome and encouraged, as they will help assist Canada with the procurement of the SSDBT vessels. Furthermore, comments regarding any aspect of the documents are welcome. 7.0 Enquiries 7.1 Irrespective of stage 2 under article 2.4.1 above, Respondents with additional questions regarding this RFI may direct their enquiries to following Contracting Authority: Stephane Deslauriers Supply Team Leader Marine Services & Small Vessel Sector Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) Stephane.deslaurier@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca 7.2 All communications regarding this RFI must be directed to the Contracting Authority to ensure fair and transparent treatment of all Respondents. 7.3 All questions and responses from Industry will be published on BuyandSell through an amendment to the RFI. Question sources will remain anonymous. 8.0 Submission of Responses 8.1 Final responses to Phase 1 of this RFI should be provided by e-mail to the Contracting Authority (stephane.deslauriers@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca). 8.2 Respondents are requested to provide their answers to the questions supplied in Annex C prior to the one-on-one session. Respondents are also requested to provide any feedback, comments or concerns regarding the content, format, and/or organization of any of the information included in this RFI. 8.3 Format: Respondents are free to choose how they wish to structure their response, so long as it’s clearly organized and the document format is either MS Word or PDF. 8.4 Timelines: Each Respondent is solely responsible for ensuring its responses are delivered to the Contracting Authority on time to the email listed above. 8.5 Identification of Responses: Each Respondent is to ensure that its name, return address, and responses to questions are clearly indicated. 8.6 Although the information collected may be provided as commercial-in-confidence (and, if identified as such, will be treated accordingly by Canada), Canada may use the information for budgetary and planning purposes as well as assist in developing options and drafting approval documents. 8.7 Respondents are encouraged to identify, in the information they share with Canada, any information that they feel is proprietary or confidential. Canada will handle the responses in accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act. Canada will not disclose proprietary or commercially sensitive information concerning Respondents or third parties, except and only to the extent required by law. For more information, please see http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/a-1/. Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
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