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RFP-2019-019_development of concept, architectural-artistic design and cost estimate on creation of Visit Centers for Katon-Karagai and Charyn SNNP Consumer Goods & Services RFP-2019-019_development of concept, architectural-artistic design and cost estimate on creation of Visit Centers for Katon-Karagai and Charyn SNNP
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RFP-2019-019_development of concept, architectural-artistic design and cost estimate on creation of Visit Centers for Katon-Karagai and Charyn SNNP

RFP-2019-019_development of concept, architectural-artistic design and cost estimate on creation of Visit Centers for Katon-Karagai and Charyn SNNP has been closed on 20 May 2019. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Kazakhstan

General information


United Nations Development Programme


Consumer Goods & Services





30 Apr 2019


20 May 2019


Not available



Overview :

Dear Bidders,

The pre-bid meeting minutes is attached for your information.

The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) in the framework of the project “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Key Globally Important Ecosystems for Multiple Benefits” is announcing a national competitive bidding for development of concept, architectural-artistic design and cost estimate on creation of Visit Centers for Katon-Karagai and Charyn SNNP .

Detailed information is given in the attached Request for Proposal.

Proposals with Technical and Financial offers should be submitted not later than 18:00 (Nur-Sultan time) 20 May 2019 to the e-mail with indication of number and name of competition in subject e-mail.

For any questions on this tender please contact Project Procurement Specialist, Ainur Amirkhanova, via email with copy to

Late proposals will be disqualified automatically.




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