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RFPMAR2018/006 for the Supervision of works ‘ Rehabilitation of Mon Choisy Public beach and installation of artificial reef’ Defence & Security, Government, Pharmaceutical & Medical, Consumer Goods & Services RFPMAR2018/006 for the Supervision of works ‘ Rehabilitation of Mon Choisy Public beach and installation of artificial reef’
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RFPMAR2018/006 for the Supervision of works ‘ Rehabilitation of Mon Choisy Public beach and installation of artificial reef’

RFPMAR2018/006 for the Supervision of works ‘ Rehabilitation of Mon Choisy Public beach and installation of artificial reef’ has been closed on 21 Jun 2018. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Development Programme

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Mauritius

General information


United Nations Development Programme


Defence & Security


Pharmaceutical & Medical

Consumer Goods & Services





31 May 2018


21 Jun 2018


Not available



Nishi Sewsurn


+230 230 2123726


Overview :

Request For Proposal (RFPMAR2018/006) Supervision of works ‘ Rehabilitation of Mon Choisy Public beach and installation of artificial reef’ under the AFB funded ‘Climate Change Adaptation Programme in the Coastal Zone of the Republic of Mauritius’ project in Mauritius

Project Id:00080227
Award Id:00062857

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Proposal to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above-referenced subject.

The Government of Mauritius has secured a grant from the Adaptation Fund for the implementation of the project “Climate Change Adaptation Programme in the Coastal Zone of Mauritius”. This fund, set up under the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is targeted to assist developing-country parties to the above protocol that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in meeting the costs of concrete adaptation projects and actions that will limit the impacts of climate change.

The expected outcome of the project is to increase climate resilience of communities and their livelihoods in coastal areas of Mauritius.

Proposal Submission Deadline:  21 June 2018 at 15 00 hours local time

A pre-proposal conference will be held on: 8 June 2018 at  14 00 hours local time

Venue:  UNDP Mauritius and Seychelles Country Office,  6th Floor, Anglo Mauritius House, Intendance Street, P.O Box 253, Port Louis, Mauritius

Focal person:  Mr. Satyajeet Ramchurn, Environment programme analyst,,  Telephone: +230 211 0914   and  Facsimile: +230 208 4871

Deadline for submitting requests for clarifications/ questions:15 June 2018

Contact Details for submitting clarifications/questions: Mr. Satyajeet Ramchurn, Environment programme analyst,

Proposal must be submitted to:

Attention: The Head of Environment Unit

UNDP Mauritius and S eychelles Country Office

6th Floor, Anglo Mauritius House

Intendance Street

P.O Box 253

Port Louis

Original : One (1)

Copies: Three (3)

Proposals should be submitted in soft copy in file sizes not exceeding 5 MB

Two CDs for Technical Proposals and two CDs for Financial Proposals in their separate sealed envelopes. The CDs shall be clearly labelled with the name of project, title of Consultancy services, and name of bidder.           

Note if the envelopes are not sealed and marked, the procuring UNDP entity will not assume responsibility for the Proposal’s misplacement or premature opening.  

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